"Really, Papa? But I've never had to wear a helmet before!" Bowser protested.

"Well, you've never ridden this pony before. She hasn't been ridden in a while, we don't know how she'll react." BJ replied.

In the end, Bowser complied. He was in a great mood after getting his very own pony, nothing was going to bring him down.

When Bowser returned, his Father was out in the royal outdoor paddock. Kemuri was tied up to a post, ready for Bowser to tack her up.  

Bowser gently laid the saddle pad on her back. Kemuri reacted with surprise.
He gently put the saddle on and fastened the girth. Kemuri was indignant. 
Bowser put the snaffle bridle on, bit in her mouth, Kemuri was incredulous

Bowser untied her and led her to the middle of the paddock. He easily mounted her and Kemuri bucked him off.

This surprised everyone. However, Bowser Jr. didn't move to help his son. Kemuri was his pony and therefore his responsibility. He got her because he believed that his son was mature and responsible enough for his own pony. He didn't know that Kemuri would be so stubborn, but he wanted to see how his son would measure up against this challenge.

Bowser, on the other hand, was somewhat confused. He had never encountered a horse that didn't let him ride. What had he done wrong? Nevertheless, he was determined to befriend Kemuri.

So he got back on. And Kemuri bucked him off yet again. He was grateful that his Papa forced him to wear a helmet. He got back on yet again and he was bucked off. 

He got back on. Every day. For a month. Bowser knew that if you fell off a steed, you got back on. His determination surprised his Father. BJ had thought Bowser would've given up after a few days or a week, tops. 

One day, after Kemuri bucked him off for the upteenth time, Bowser had had enough. Kemuri was just too unrideable

He sat down on the paddock, his head in his knees. He didn't want anyone to see him cry, though his position alone somewhat gave him away. He couldn't understand; he was a friend to all horses, big and small. Why did this pony hate him so much? 

Bowser heard Kemuri whinny from afar but he ignored her. It was obvious that she hated him. 

Kemuri walked over and nuzzled Bowser gently. 

"What do you want? Just leave me alone…" Bowser said, annoyed.  

Kemuri nickered and continued to nudge Bowser. He looked at her, and her face showed that she wanted him to try again. He was unsure, this was probably just a trick for her amusement.

"You're just gonna buck me off again…." Bowser replied.

Kemuri nickered again and shook her head.

Bowser grunted. "Fine." 

He gathered the reins and began to mount but Kemuri bucked him off. She displayed obvious signs of discomfort. Bowser sighed deeply, defeated.

"Hey sport, try this." BJ suggested, handing his son a pony-sized cross-under bitless bridle. 

Bowser shrugged, unsure how this was going to fix Kemuri's behavior but he put the bridle on her anyway. 

He took a deep breath before attempting to mount Kemuri again. 

This time, she didn't buck and she didn't move. And she didn't show signs of discomfort. 

"How did you--"

"I didn't, not really. But I do know horses and ponies don't like bits very much. It's kinda controversial, but I think it's true. There's nothing natural about having a piece of metal in your mouth. It's not very comfortable for them. Riders use bits so they can have more control over their horses, but riding isn't all about control. The art of equestrian is a team sport, you and your horse must share a strong bond and work as one, as if you could read each other's minds. I started riding Bowsie without bits years ago and I feel like we've grown closer together, you know? I want you to have that special bond with Kemuri and all your future horses. Haha, but hey what do I know? Whenever I talk about this kinda stuff, your Mother always says it's hippie talk..." Bowser Jr. explained, scratching behind Kemuri's ears. 

Bowser had never thought about it before, but he agreed with his Father. And he was a famous Olympic equestrian, so what he said had to be true.


After his experience with Kemuri, Bowser began to take professional riding lessons. His Father was a great teacher, but their lessons were usually informal and improper, just for fun. He couldn't ride every horse bareback. 

But more importantly, he realized that he actually didn't know as much as he thought as he thought he did about riding, and he had loads more to learn. 

His bond with Kemuri also blossomed. He came to visit her everyday after school and she grew quite fond of him as well, especially when he brought her treats. 

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