18. Friends don't...

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Liam jumped on the spot, where he was sitting on his bed, when someone knocked gently against the glass of his window.

He looked up, then frowning when he met Theo's green eyes staring at him, and slid off the bed, opening the window slowly.

"W-what are you doing here?" He stammered, puzzled, as Theo pushed himself into the room.

Liam had a thousand other questions in mind that helped him understand that strange situation. He was more than sure that just two minutes before he was in his car, driving in some random street - a little too well for it to be real - until he had seen the horrible neighbour's cat staring at him.


And now he was there. And he wanted to ask, really, but something in Theo's dark and set gaze nailed him to the spot.

Theo took a step toward him, cautious, slow, almost predatory.

Liam instinctively made one back. The wall should have been much further away, but he found himself clashing with his shoulders against the solid surface.

Theo raised his right arm, placing his hand against the wall next to his head, getting closer.

Liam's heart pounded in his throat as he tried to swallow. Something in that situation was somehow familiar.

"You know... you haven't answered my question yet" Theo just said, the shadow of a smirk tilting his lips

Liam stirred on the spot, lowering his eyes, words stuck in his throat. Theo, however, was faster, raising his other hand too and slamming it against the wall as he got closer.

His chest was now pressed against Liam's, his breathing, for some reason, heavy. Liam wanted to run, but he couldn't take his eyes off the other's, while Theo's slipped on his lips.

"But there is no need" Theo whispered, his voice hoarse and low "I already know the answer..."

Liam slightly parted his lips to speak, but changed his mind when Theo's hands moved from their place against the wall, settling on his forearm and then slowly climbing up, towards his shoulders, towards his chest, stroking the skin leaving trails of fire while he went on, pressing his body against his.

"Liam" Theo whispered, never stopping to look into his eyes "do you want me to go away?"

Liam swallowed. Then he simply shook his head.

It made no sense to fight, push him away, lie, not anymore, not when every part of him was screaming to kiss him, touch him, hold him, let it go, find out what would have happened if he had been honest that night months before.

Theo seemed to hesitate, his hands wrapping around Liam's hips, and his lips hovered over the other's. "Are you sure?" He asked again.

Something snapped in Liam at that moment.

He bit his lip then the last glimmer of hesitation vanished. He raised his hands cupping them on Theo's face, pulling him close with force. Their lips collide in a messy, desperate kiss. Liam pushed against Theo, seeking even more contact, and Theo's hands clawed at the fabric of the shirt as he pulled him closer.

God, how much he wanted it! How much he missed that feeling!

In a struggle of limbs, lips and skin, Liam felt his body slide down and his back hit the mattress. Theo drew back, breathless, his lips an inch away while their breaths merged.

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