13. I need you here with me

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Liam was barely aware of his mother's voice still talking excited in his ear. His mind seemed to be tarnished, the words 'he'is awake ' echoing in it as in a loop, again and again, as if each time it could become in some way more true.

He was barely aware of Theo moving in front of him, saying something, then slipping his hand into his and pulling him towards the pickup.

Everything seemed so far away. The stars, the city, every tree around them, all his previous worries. There was only that voice, he is awake, he is really awake, and a warm hand in his, which leaded him, and he who let him do it, because he knew he would lead him where he needed to be.

He was barely aware of the road, the wild speed Theo drove through the streets, deserted at that hour, of Beacon Hills, heading for the hospital, he was barely aware of the silence, and the quick beat of his heart. He just knew that Theo's was like his.

He was barely aware of the dozens and dozens of people around him as he came in a hurry from the front door, his breath short and Theo behind him of a few steps.

He came to his senses when he absently hit someone in the shoulder, and turned to the right stammering an "sorry" as he walked away. Then he looked up at the big desk in the waiting room, while his mother looked up at the sound of his voice.

She immediately dropped the papers she was reading, walking at a fast pace, her eyes shining and a smile flickering on his face, as she pulled him into a quick and firm hug, before taking a step away, taking his face in her hands. "Oh, Li, this ..." she sighed, unable to hold back her smile "This is a real miracle, you know? I'm so so happy"

Liam tried to catch his breath and calm his pulse as he looked at his mother anxious. "How is he? What-?" He choked talking.

And Jenna moved her fingers lightly over his cheeks in a fond half caress. "He's fine, they run some first tests and everything seems normal. They'll run others, but... he's fine, honey, he's fine" Liam sighed, as she kept repeating those two words, as if she knew how much he needed to hear them.

Jenna moved away, lowering her hands and leaving one resting on his shoulder, squeezing it gently. "They're all upstairs, maybe you want ...?" She asked faltering, and Liam nodded without thinking.

"I want it" he said, even surprising himself with his firm tone.

Jenna's smile widened as her eyes began to moisten again. "Good," she just said. "They moved him to the first floor, room 59" she continued. "I have to get back to work, but we'll talk later, okay?" She gave him another flick, looking at him as he nodded trembling before returning to her job.

Theo, who had been watching them on the sidelines, approached as soon as Jenna had left.

He placed a hand on his shoulder from behind and Liam turned to look at him, a wave of calm that overwhelmed him on the spot. "I'll - I'll wait here, okay?" Theo said softly.

"No!" Liam immediately shouted, panic that threatened to rise again to the idea that Theo left him alone. He blushed embarrassed, when Theo looked at him baffled. "I- please --" he added, with small voice lowering his head "I need you here with me" He ignored his heart beating in his chest on admission, and raised a hesitant glance at the other boy.

Theo swallowed as he just nodded, not trusting his voice, and how much it could betray the emotions that were overwhelming him at that moment on hearing Liam say those words. This was no time to worry about this, now it had to be the push Liam clearly needed, so he reached out and grabbed the other guy's hand again and led him to the elevator.

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