But did they run there to hug him? Nope.

"What'd you get?" Asked Sam while snatching the bag out of her adoptive father's arms as she and Jean then proceeded to run their way towards their kitchen to open it. Namjoon couldn't help but laugh at them while pocketing his keys.

"Nothing that you both would like trust me!!" Exclaimed the man to the both of them as he was going to go to the kitchen to see their reactions over the contents of the bag, but he cut himself off when he noticed the two other faces beside his Jin in the room.

"Yoongi? Jimin?" Asked Namjoon, instantly recognizing his students, Jimin giving the man an awkward wave along with a shaky smile in greeting while Yoongi beside him told him a small and barely audible "hello". "What are you guys doing here?"

'And here we go again.' Thought both Yoongi and Jimin while awkwardly smiling in Namjoon's way, the man's husband laughing at this as he decided to be the one to clear things up in the room.

"Well, funny story. You see--"


"--and then they both ran away from their engagement party." Said Jin while giving his husband a piece of cake while serving both of his guests some orange juice, Namjoon staring in surprise at the two before him who both nodded in his direction once Jin had finished telling their story.

"Your parents actually set you up in an arranged marriage?" Asked Namjoon, still in shock over how cliché the whole thing was, the man taking a bite out of his cake as he shook his head in disapproval at how ridiculous their situation was. "This is so wrong on their part. What are we, in the 19th century to still set up arranged marriages? I'm sorry for my rudeness, but god your parents are just-- what's the word I'm looking for to describe them with--"


"Self absorbed?"


"Well...let's go with dumb." Said Namjoon followed by a chuckle at what each of the people in the room suggested for him to say. "Your parents are pretty dumb to put you two in this kind of situation."

"Well, good thing you guys got out of it, right?" Asked Jin as he took a bite out of his own piece of cake. "You guys did both run away today."

"Yeah we did but--" Yoongi sighed as he worriedly looked in Jimin's direction, the boy narrowing his eyes deeply when he found him looking deep in thought. "--I don't really think we did the right thing by doing so." Jin sent the both of them a sympathetic look at this.


Jimin and Yoongi shared a look before turning towards their teachers direction once more.

"Well..." Started off Yoongi in saying, Jimin fidgeting in his seat beside him while Yoongi squeezed his hand in reassurance. "You see..."

Namjoon couldn't help but look in pity at the two.

"You're afraid of what your parents are going to say about this, aren't you?"

The slow and hesitant nod that he got in response to his question from the two made him suddenly wanting to adopt the both of them and protect them forever.

"So, you both regret running away?" Asked Jin suddenly to the two, taking aback Yoongi as he stared in surprise at him.

"Uuh, well--"

"I don't personally." Said Jimin after staying silent all this time, surprising everyone in the room by his firm answer. "I...I think we did the right choice by running away."

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