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'Ugh finally.' Thought Yoongi as he slammed his head on top of his desk loudly when the sound of the last bell hit his ears, his classmates flinching and worryingly glancing at him at his sudden action.

"Well then that's it for today." Tiredly said his dark haired teacher with a sigh as he looked at his students to offer them a gentle smile. "You may all pack and go home I guess."

'You don't have to tell me twice.'

Quickly picking up all of his things, and fishing out everything he had put inside his desk in his last hour of the day at school, the boy swung his backpack over his shoulder as he yawned while making his way out of his chemistry class, completely ignoring his teacher who was loudly reminding him and his classmates about the possibility that he may or may not drop a pop quiz on them tomorrow, and that they better study hard.

'If it's a pop quiz then their's no need on studying since it's literally a "pop quiz".' Thought Yoongi in his head as he made his way out of his class, nodding to himself at the deduction that he made in his head, deciding to stick with it (even though he'll probably land himself a big fat F tomorrow but like meh).

"Yoongs!!" A loud perky voice called for him from behind him, as Yoongi grinned when he felt a body clash with his back and arms almost choking his neck. "Wait up will you!"

"Sorry Hoseok. I'm just in a hurry." 

"Hurry? Aren't we walking home together?"

"Sorry, can't. Gotta go pick up my suit for saturday with Jimin."

"Oh!!" Exclaimed out Hoseok loudly as his eyes lit up. "I forgot about that!! I need to get myself a suit too!!"

Yoongi scoffed at this as his amused eyes looked at Hoseok teasingly. "Who said your invited."

"Shut up Yoongay, who else is going to embarrass you there if I'm not present?" Questioned Hoseok with a glare to his best friend who's teasing grin stretched out even more on his handsome face.

"Don't worry I think my mom got you covered in that area."

An offense gasp stumbled out of Hoseok's lips at this. "Let's make one thing clear, first of all, no one can replace me." Stated Hoseok with his finger raised up high, as if his words were facts (which like, they definitely are), as Yoongi amusingly chuckled at him while he listened to the  boy's next words. "And second of all, I am, and will expose you at that wedding for teasing me at lunch if you don't give me a proper invitation right now Min Yoongi."

And Yoongi could only laugh as he turned his head in his best friend's direction with his brows quirked up in surprise. "'A proper invitation?' What do you want me to do, get down on one knee and then sweep you off your feet, to ask you if you wanna come to my engagement?"

"Ew, no." Immediately denied Hoseok along with a laugh while scrunching up his nose in disgust as his best friend choked out a laugh. "Just give me a card or something. Don't make it weird."

"Well, you like weird. The fact that you like Y/N proves it."

"Y/N is not weird!"

"I heard some rumors saying that she and Taehyung were loudly explaining to Jimin the importance of returning a blowjob at lunch today."

Hoseok choked at that piece of info as he felt his cheeks reddening and heard Yoongi laughing at him while rubbing at his back gently, as he exclaimed out in surprise. "What?!"

"I know right. But at least you know you've got a bright future ahead with her~"

"F--future w--w--with h--her?!" Exclaimed Hoseok through loud and baffled stuttering as he felt the tip of his cheeks reddening in embarrassment. "W--what are you talking about?!"

"Still in denial~?" Sang out Yoongi as Hoseok felt that the boy's question literally stirred up a small box in the back of his head that Hoseok had avoided and refused to open or question for months now, as the orange haired boy ran a hand through his hair ad walked on ahead from his best friend in a mean of escape from his teasing, his teeth gritting together in irritation when the loud sound of laughter hit his still red out of embarrassment ears as he pushed open one of the exit doors to their school.

'Nope you don't like her. And she doesn't like you too.' He reminded himself as he descended down the small steps that stood before the school's exit doors. 'That's it!'


The orange haired boy flinched in surprise at the foreign voice that had just called his name and managed to snap him out of his trance, as his eyes furrowed in confusion at the much more taller then him and dark haired handsome boy, that also looked much more younger then him, wave at him to come forward in his direction with a sheepish grin plastered on his face. Nevertheless, even though he didn't know the male he still walked forward in his direction, but of course with a slight hesitancy to his every step, as he watched as the boy before him slightly bowed his head at him in greeting.

"Hello, I'm Jeon Jungkook, uuuuuuuuh" Jungkook raised his head to look at Hoseok with an awkward and forced smile on his handsome face. "H--Hoseok hyung?"

Laughing and slightly cringing at how the boy before him had said his name along with an honorific, Hoseok put out his hand to shake the boy's hand, that was awkwardly placed to the sides of his torso, as he shook it while loudly exclaiming out in reassurance to him. "You can call me Hoseok, Jungkook! Or even hobi!" The orange haired boy continued to laugh when he heard Jungkook sigh in relief at his words, as he offered towards the tensed up boy a bright grin that literally instantly put Jungkook's mind at ease. "Now, what can I do for you, and before you answer my first question, please tell me how the heck do you know my name!"

"Uh, well you see," Jungkook laughed as he scratched the back of his head while he let go of the older boy's hand. "I'm Kim Taehyung's boyfriend,"

"Oh!" Brightly exclaimed Hoseok with the same grin still plastered on his face. "Well, it's nice to meet you Taehyung's boyfriend! How can I help you?"

"Well Taehyung told me that since Jimin and Yoongi will be going off together that I might as well come and get you so that you can walk home with us and Y/N. Sorry you had to witness me being awkward with you, I'm not good with new people, especially when they're older then me, and Taehyung had to finish up something with his teacher before retiring for the day so I--"

"Whoa whoa whoa!!" Exclaimed out Hoseok with wide eyes at Jungkook's rambling, as he was genuinely worried if the boy was breathing at all at this point. "I get it. You didn't have to tell me all that so fast. Take a breath and relax for a bit will you?"

"Y--yeah your right."

Hoseok smiled at the dark haired boy before him, as he fondly ruffled his hair while he happily said to him with a teasing edge to his voice. "You really are bad with new people aren't you?"

Jungkook chuckled at this. "You have no idea."


Double update coming up to you by yours truly~~





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