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Yoongi repeatedly tapped his pen on his desk as he stared out his classroom window, multiple thoughts running through his mind. Thought he only decided to pounder on one of them.

Ways to murder Park Jimin without anyone noticing it was him.

Yupe, that thought sounded amazing in his mind.

After his little fight with Jimin yesterday, the boy tried his best in restraining every one of his demons that screamed at him to punch and kill Park Jimin right in that moment for insulating his best and only friend Hoseok, but he wanted to give himself a good pat on the back for being able to restrain himself and not give the blonde boy the beating he highly deserved.

Yoongi wasn't a violent man, no. He would never even think of doing so.

But he deserves it.

Yes indeed he does.

But punching him wouldn't really knock some sense into him now, will it?

"Mr. Min, could you kindly stop with that tapping?"

Yoongi's flinched at the smooth sound of his math teacher, Mr. Kim, as the man's sudden words to him snapped him out instantly from his thoughts.

Turning his head around to look at the beautiful slender tall man, he nervously smiled his gummy smile at him, his fingers immediately stopping their harassment against his poor pencil on his school desk any longer.

"Yeah, sorry Mr. Kim."

The mentioned man laughed at Yoongi's words as he slowly shook his head at the younger boy's apology.

"How many times have do I have to tell you this Yoongi, don't call me that."

Yoongi snickered at the older, slightly bowing down his head at him in respect.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Seokjin."

Sending a playful glare the white haired boy's way, the math teacher was ready to send the boy out the window when he mockingly stared back at him.

"Honestly, how many times do I have to tell you kids." Huffed out the handsome brown haired man as he placed his white chalk down at the board, as he turned around to sassily stare at all his students with crossed arms.

"Don't call me Seokjin!! I prefer Jin better!"


"Mr. Jin?"

Jin's head snapped up from the paperwork he was currently completing in his, to his knowledge at least, supposedly empty classroom, the sound of his voice suddenly being called really scaring the living day lights out of him.

But as he looked up, his shook features completely softened at the sigh of one of his favourite students.

"Yoongi my boy." Said Jin with a grin to the shorter boy before him who awkwardly smiled at the man in front of him, the older brown haired man sliding his glasses off of his nose momentarily to focus his attention completely at the white haired younger. "What can I do for you?"

Even thought Jin had a pretty good idea of what he exactly wanted from him.

"I--I was wondering if you-- uuuuuuh--" Trailed off Yoongi shyly as he bit down on his bottom lip, his head hanging while he nervously scratched the back of his head. "Did you bring the--?"

Jin wanted to cooe at the boy's cuteness, but refrained himself from doing so, wanting to remain a little bit professional with the boy even thought they were far from that with each other.

"Key that you've asked of me?"

Yoongi breath hitched silently at Jin's question, as he slowly bobbed his head up and down into a nod.

Laughing a windshield like laugh and then slightly shaking his head at the awkward boy, Jin reached out under his desk to retrieve from his drawer the desired object the boy wanted and had been asking for him to get for days now.

Like it was some kind of sacred info that onlookers eyes should not see, Jin slid down under his desk and attempted to slide down towards Yoongi from under it, the man groaning loudly when he ended up slamming his head face first against his not even opened downwards desk.

"Ugh..." abort...abort mission failed...

Yoongi awkwardly watched as his 27 year old teacher tried to re-crawl out of his desk and into his feet while fidgeting in his spot silently, the boy feeling weirded out and embarrassed on the behalf of his friendly teacher on so many levels.

"H--Here." Breathed out Jin while cracking his back silently, as a painful moan slipped out of his mouth, Yoongi snorting at the man in front of him.

"Your getting old hyung." Said Yoongi while snatching the key from Jin's hands, the said man's eyebrows jumping up so high, his forehead practically disappeared.

Excuse me?

Wasn't he the boy that was embarrassed of him only minutes ago?

Jin seriously wondered if he was bipolar at this point.

"Min Yoongi, I will fail you."

Laughing loudly and quickly apologizing to his teacher and friend (well from outside of his school) Yoongi made his way out of Jin's classroom while still sending thousands of thanks and bows towards the older who could only watch the younger with a smile.

"I'm proud of you Yoongi."

The said boy flinched at Jin's words, as he looked up at the older man with wide eyes.

Jin simply smiled even more at him.

"Keep following your dreams, and don't let anyone stop you from doing so."

A wave of the sudden urge to cry hit Yoongi, but he quickly shook it off, the boy not wanting to seem weak before the older in front of him, as he bit down on his bottom lip hard.

"I will, hyung."

And he ran out of the classroom with a smile, small tears brimming his small dark brown eyes.

Someone was actually supporting him through this.

And the boy couldn't of been more happy.


Double update, cause why not?


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