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"They're gOne?!"

Heads turned at Tae's overreaction to Jimin's mother's revelation of Yoongi and Jimin's escape from the party, as Hoseok face palmed while you hushed the grey haired boy, as you all stood in the middle of Jimin and Yoongi's engagement party with Jungkook as well, who awkwardly bowed and smiled to every single person who passed beside him.

"I know right!!" Exclaimed Jimin's mother in the same level of overreation that tae was currently showing. "Did you have any idea about this Taehyung?"

"Mina I would've told you if I had!" Said Tae along with a huff and the cross of his arms, Park Mina before him still not getting over the fact that Taehyung casually calls her by her first name. "Where did they go?!"

"That's what we're all wondering." Said Yoongi's mother with a tired sigh as her husband beside her worryingly rubbed at her shoulder in comfort. "God these two are going to be the death of me."

"What are we gonna do now?" Asked Jimin's father as he faced the group before him. "There's literally over a hundred of people who showed up for this engagement party." You, Taehyung, Hoseok, Jungkook and even Taemin simultaneously choked at Jimin's father's words.

"A hundrEd?!

"Wow I can't even imagine a hundred people coming to my funeral."

"I can't imagine standing in in front of a hundred people!!"

"Technically you are-"

"We need to distract them until we get in contact with Jimin and Yoongi again." Suggested Taemin as he took out his phone and already started dialing Jimin's number. "Do you think they took their phones with them?"

"I hope they did." Said Jimin's mother with a sigh. "Okay you, you, you and you" said the woman while respectively  pointing at Taehyung, you, Hoseok and Jungkook who was stuffing his face in a small apple pie. "Try distracting the guests as much as you can."

"How are we going to do that?" Asked Hoseok with a frown, the woman before him along with her husband and  Yoongi's parents already walking away inside the Min's house without even sparing their group a glance. "Last time I checked we're not entertainers!!"

"Do whatever you can okay?? Just stall them for a bit!!" Shouted Taemin towards all of you before getting inside the Min's house with the others right on his tail, all of you narrowing your eyes at the boy's words.

"How are we going to distract them?" Jungkook asked with a frown while peering at all the guest around him. "Should we give them a show or something??"

"A show huh..." muttered Taehyung to himself, his eyes widening when an idea suddenly hit him. "Magic show??"

"A magic show?" Asked Hoseok with a concerned frown. "Can any of us do any magic tricks?"

"I can magically empty the whole buffet table in under 5 minutes."

"Y/N sweety that's not magic."

"Under a minute then?"

"Y/N no."

"How about we cut you in half?" Hoseok looked mortified at Taehyung's suggesting.

"O--okay, and do you know how to patch me up again if you do??"

"We'll just figure it out after we cut you!" Exclaimed Tae as he already had a giant kitchen knife in his hand, Hoseok hiding himself behind you, you tiredly sighing as you thought long and hard at what you guys were gonna do.

This was going to be a long night for you all.


Though it was going to be an even longer one for Jimin and Yoongi honestly, who were both driving aimlessly around the streets of Seoul.

"Okay....so we did run away." Said Jimin to Yoongi who nodded at his words as he kept his eyes fixated on the road before him.

"We did."

"And here we are, running away."

"We certainly are."

"Though where are we going exactly?" At Jimin's question Yoongi tiredly sighed.

"No clue." Said Yoongi while parking the car on the side of the road, his hands going up to his right temple so that he can give it a small run to hopefully rid himself of the growing headache in his head right now. "I haven't thought this through have I?"

"No you definitely didn't." Said Jimin along with a small laugh, the boy raising his hands up to take Yoongi's hands into his, the other giving him a smile when he did. "Hey cheer up, you know I don't mind sleeping in this car with you for the rest of this night." Yoongi snorted at Jimin's words.

"Oh please. You do mind."

"I do don't I?" Said Jimin while sighing with a thoughtful look in his eyes, Yoongi grinning in amusement at the other beside him. "Do you have any money at least?"

"No." Said Yoongi the grin on his face instantly disappearing as he groaned in misery. "My mom and dad were practically around me the whole day, so I didn't get the chance to snatch any money from them. And I don't have my wallet and we both don't have our phones." Jimin sighed as he let his head fall back in the seat of Yoongi's car.

"Well we're screwed."

"We sure are."


"Okay we're definitely screwed." Whispered Hoseok to the you as he watched some of the guests asking Taehyung when was Jimin and Yoongi finally showing up, as you nodded with panic in your eyes when you saw Tae almost hit an old lady that wouldn't leave him alone already and kept asking questions to him that he had no answer for.

"We definitely are." You wanted to groan in misery at the situation you and the other three were put in. "What should we do?"

"We should seriously think of something already." Said a tired looking Jungkook to the two of you as he walked over to you with a pissed off Tae glued to his side. "I'm tired of holding Tae back from hitting people."

"It's not my fault people are annoying! That lady kept bugging me for thirty minutes!!" Exclaimed Taehyung while aggressively pulling at his red tie. "So the main people of this whole thing aren't here! What do I have to do with this?!"

"Tae you literally were going around telling people that your Jimin's best friend and the uncle of his future children the second you stepped inside this party."

"I was stating facts. Facts are meant to be forgotten and not taken seriously!!"

"Can we drop this for now??" Asked Hoseok along with a grunt. "It's been thirty minutes since we've been tasked in distracting the crowd and we've literally done nothing up till now!"

"I told you that we should--"

"You're not cutting me in half Taehyung!!"

"Guys." Said a perplexed looking Taemin as he approached the four of you, all of you sighing in relief at the sight of him finally showing up. "We've got a problem."

"Oh please tell me you found Jimin and Yoongi my brain hurts from thinking to much about this whole thing." You said along with a groan as you felt like dying when Taemin gave you an apologetic look.

"Both of them left their phones here and the police refused to track them down since they've not been missing for more then 24 hours." Said Taemin as he pocketed his hands in the pockets of his trousers with the same perplexed look still plastered on his face. "So it's basically game over."

"And by game over you mean--?" Taemin nodded in Jungkook's direction.

"These two are definitely not getting engaged anytime soon."


Jimin worryingly frowned at Yoongi beside him who looked like he had just had the most brilliant idea in the world.

"Oh god Jimin."

"What is it?"

Jimin could only continue to stare in worry when he saw Yoongi suddenly started his car and gave him the widest gummy smile he had ever seen in his life plastered on his face.

"I know where we'll sleeping tonight."


Wonder where Yoongi's going 👀👀

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