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"Is it just me" Started a grey haired Taehyung in saying with both of his hands on the back of his neck, and a thoughtful look present in his eyes. "Or is Jimin always so.....weird on Fridays?"

Jungkook, who was beside the boy munching away on some salty crackers that he had made his newly made friend Hoseok personally provide him with as an apology for stealing his first bag (well he actually forced him to buy it for him but that's a story that's unnecessary to be told), defiantly averted his gaze away from his beloved snack to curiously peek towards his boyfriend. "Weird on Fridays?" 


"How so?" Curiously asked Jungkook while offering a cracker towards Taehyung, the grey haired boy ignoring the betrayed look his boyfriend gave him at him declining his offer as he started explaining his question. "He's always so giddy on Fridays, participating in class, excitedly taking notes, and he even offers to help the teachers in whatever they need help with every period. He's like a flying happy pony on this day."

"Well, maybe it's because the day after it is a weekend?"

"Nooo, can't be that." Hummed Taehyung out thoughtfully while shaking his head. "Jimin actually likes school."

"Uh" Jungkook frowned as he himself thought over Taehyung's statement. "Maybe because his engagement is tomorrow?"

"I'm pretty sure he doesn't get engaged every Saturday Kookie."

"Okay fine, if it isn't that then it must be- wait." Jungkook paused as his eyes curiously narrowed over his boyfriend. "Isn't Jimin always like this?" Asked Jungkook along with a chuckle to the boy beside him. "He's always so cheerful everyday--"

"But he's extra cheerful on F.R.I.D.A.Y.S!!" Dramatically exclaimed Taehyung while pronouncing every syllable in the word 'Friday' with melodramatic hand gestures that almost ended up in poking Jungkook in the eye. "He must have something going on for him on this day!!"

Jungkook huffed at his boyfriend's statement. "Like what?"

A shiver couldn't help but run threw his spine though at the sudden look that appeared in Taehyung's eyes.

"I. Don't. Know." Gritted out Taehyung with eyes that would make a ghoul weep. "Do you think I would be asking you in the first place if I knew?"

'Oh shit he's about to get mad-- change the subject, change the subject--' 

"Wait-- Is that a cat I see over there?!"

Taehyung eyes grew wide in excitement at Jungkook's sudden gasp. "What?! Where? Where?"

And Jungkook almost went down to his knees to thank the heavens when a dark cat magically appeared not so far away from him and Taehyung, as a sigh of relief slipped out of his mouth when Taehyung had ran away from him, screaming for the "kitty to come here!!".

The boy seriously was bad with a mad Taehyung.

Like really bad, you all should see what happened the first time those two fought and Taehyung almost threw his printer at him.

But like how about we talk about something else right now rather then watch Taehyung chase a cat around with a 'trying-his-best-in-this-relationship' Jungkook on his tail?

How about we talk about Taehyung's first statement- Why the heck does Jimin look like a pony had puked glitter on him on Fridays?

Is it because the weekend is finally here?

Or is it because of something else?

Well, let's read on together to find out, Shall we?


Arranged Marriage || YOONMINOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora