Story time-

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Before we get to the really good stuff in this story, let me tell you a story-

It was a known fact that ever since Min Yoongi was barely 4 years old, he used to play the piano. Everyone who was close to him knew that fact. The boy was, and still is to this day, a genius in playing the giant instrument.

The piano to Yoongi was like a piece of him. An irreplaceable piece. He needed it like he needed oxygen and food. The piano was literally his everything.


For some reason, Yoongi had dropped out of his piano lessons and had sold off the giant brown piano that he had in his house. He even declined the scholarship that he had received from one of Seoul's top music schools.

No one, nobody knew why he did it, but he did. Min Yoongi was not a pianist anymore. At least, to people and his parents knowledge.

Though one thing was certain: Min Yoongi had not given up on his drean of becoming a pianist willingly.

Which brings us to our current situation at hand. You see, because Yoongi had lost (*cough* was forced to sell) his piano, he had started to sneak inside his high school music room just to play on its, not the best, but still, grand brown piano. And to avoid getting detention for sneaking around after school, he had asked his favorite teacher, and close friend from outside of school, to ask the principal for him to play every Friday on the brown piano, which the principal had no objections over, cause like why the hell would he lol.

And so this is how Yoongi started coming here every Friday afternoon, without his parents best friend or anyone's knowledge, just to do the one thing he was so passionate about: play the piano.

Though, well you see--

It turned out that not only did Yoongi apparently ask permission to borrow the school's music room, oh no no, there was also someone else who did.

And that person was Kim Namjoon, the school's English teacher.

Now hold your horses, don't start feeling confused yet about why the heck Namjoon would do such a thing, because yes this is still a Yoonmin fanfic after all.

You see, Namjoon had one student that he deeply adored, that student being the one and only Park Jimin, who asked him to help him in convincing the principal to let him stay for a few hours every Friday to practice "something" on his own.

And because apparently Namjoon thought that the principal would not allow the boy in doing such a thing, he had instead told the older man that he was the one who needed the room at that time and day of the week, which again, the principal had no objections over. (Bless him-)

Which brings us to our current situation--

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