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'That was awkward.' Commented a cringing Yoongi in his mind while the blue haired boy traveled up the stairs that would lead him to the school's third floor, where at the end of it's corridor resided his destination, the boy still thinking back to his weird encounter with Jean a few minutes, or rather seconds ago. 'She seems nice though.'

As he was now walking down the school's third floor corridor to reach it's end, Yoongi started to curiously peer at the classrooms he was passing by of, as he noted that all of them were the first year students classrooms.

'Oh.' Thought the blue haired boy in his mind when a particular classroom caught his attention. 'Wasn't this--?'

Yoongi smiled to himself as he looked around the wide class.

Yupe, this was definitely his first year class that he used to share with Jimin.

The one where he sat right behind Jimin in, spitting paper balls at his neck and stealing his eraser when he got the chance.

Ah, good times, good times. He was practically still an annoying  middle school student back then. Though he had grown out of doing any childish things, he still wishes to go back to those days.

Where he and Jimin were still enemies.

Not friends.

Not lovers.

And definitely not engaged.

Yoongi sighed at the last fact he stated.

Don't get him wrong, he loves Jimin. He really does, even though it was something he had came to realize only recently. He was head over heels for the guy.

But again, it was something he had came to realize only recently.

He's not ready for this.

Engagement, marriage, building a family....heck he doesn't even know what the hell he was going to do for the rest of his life yet.

But he doesn't have a choice in this. And neither does Jimin. And that's the painful and bitter truth.

Yoongi sighed while looking over the door of the music room before him that he had finally been able to reach as he dug through his pockets to pull out the key to it's-- wait.

The boy frowned as he dug through his bag and pencil case.


Maybe it's in his wallet?

Nope, it certainly wasn't, and he noted that it was even missing 20 bucks as a small sticky note was placed instead of it that said "you've got too many anyway rich boy" in a handwritten he knew and recognized all to well. 'That damn Hoseok...'

Where the heck is it?!

He certainly remembers putting it in his pocket this morning, so why isn't--

Yoongi's eyes widened suddenly as realisation dawned on him. Oh please don't tell me--'

But unfortunately it was the truth.

The key to the school's music room, the one that he begged his teacher in providing him with, must have fell out of his pocket when he had bumped into Jean.

Yoongi felt like face palming and slamming his head against a wall for his stupidity.

'Okay okay, calm down genius, don't panic it's not like you lost it.' Reasoned Yoongi's conscience in his mind. 'Just go down to the place where you bumped in with her and you'll definitely find it.'

Yoongi grumbled as he defiantly turned on his heel to walk away.

However, before his feet had taken him very far, something caught his attention that made his eyes to widen in alarm and his form to flinch back towards the door of the supposedly locked music room.

The one that he was hearing music play out in.

What the--

Frowning whilst still standing in his place, Yoongi carefully brought his ear closer to the door of the room.

He wasn't hallucinating after all.

There was definitely someone inside if that's the case.

'If this turns into a ghost fic I will-'

Brushing that thought to the side with the shake of his head, Yoongi decided to take a leap of faith and turn the knob of the door to the room he thought to be locked.

Yet it turned out that it wasn't.

Very much wasn't.

Because the second he had twisted it's knob and swung it's door open, a sight that he had never in life expected to see or witness met his line of view.

There in all his glory, stood a sweaty and out of breath Park Jimin with flushed cheeks and dazed wide eyes, wearing a thin white t-shirt that he can visibly spot his nipples through, along with a pair of tight black leggings.

Very tight black leggings.

Oh mother of--


"Y--you-- Yoongi?!"


I'm not so proud of this one, but since it's a side chapter, I hope you guys don't mind that it sucked a bit lol

Next chapter is probably gonna take a while to write, but I'll do my best to deliver it as soon as possible don't worry ♥♥


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