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The blonde haired boy's eyes glared daggers at the older boy in front of him, his hand furiously cutting on the pancake before him, almost shattering the white plate that contained his poor breakfast.

The receiver of that glare was equally not treating his poor delicious breakfast properly, as his fork was furiously grazing and messing up his eggs that once looked like it came out of a french restaurant.

"Squirt." Muttered Jimin over to the white haired older who gritted his teeth in irritation at him.


"Your ass is short to dumbass."

"At least I'm taller then your sorry ass."

"1 cm!! Your only 1 cm taller then me!!"


"We're practically the same height dipshit!"

"No were not dumbshit."

"Yes we are idiot."

"No were not shithead."

"You little--"

"Boys!!" Yelled Jimin's mother angrilly at the two bickering boys, as she stood tall at the head of the tall white cloacked table while slamming her fists on the table."Stop with your bickering and eat your breakfast!"

Both of the boys "tch"-ed at this, sending a hateful glare towards each other's ways before grumpily returning back to their messed up breakfast.

A sigh of relief escaped Jimin's mother lips as Yoongi's mother, who was sitting right beside her son, shook her head in disappointment at two.

"Seriously" She began talking, taking a small bite from her croissant. "Could you two ever get along?"

The two of them scoffed instantly at this.



The two older women sighed simultaneously at their sons, both of them sending each other a knowing smile as they continued in eating their daily morning breakfast.

But of course, they're bickering would not end that easily.

"I didn't know roaches were aloud to eat with people on tables." Stated Jimin loudly while taking a sip of his orange juice, Yoongi glaring at him while slipping out an amused chuckle at the blonde's words.

"I didn't realise twinks could talk but here we are." Jimin gritted his teeth in irritation at smirking boy before him.

"Shut up before I throw you in a dumpster where you actually belong."

"It would still be better then sitting here with you."

"Amazing, then save me the trouble and kindly guide yourself towards your birthplace."

"Yoongi!" "Jimin!"

"What?!" Snapped both the boy's at their mother's, both of them snarling at one another when finding out they talked at the same time.

"Both of you eat your breakfast quietly." Sighed out Mrs. Min, as the woman tiredly rubbed at her temples. "Man in all my 30 years of living I never thought I'll see the day where my 18 year old son would childishly fight with my best friends son."

"Mom your much more older then thirty--"

"Min Yoongi your going to be late for school if you don't finish up already!"

Yoongi rolled his eyes at his mother as the boy suddenly got up while swinging his backpack over his shoulder.

"I'm already done." He grumbled out, his eyes softening when he saw his mother pout at him in anger, deciding to lean down and softly press a kiss to her cheek, the woman's eyes beaming at the action.

"Bye mom." Said Yoongi to his mother with a soft smile, as he scurried over to kiss Mrs. Park's cheek as well. "Bye other mom."

Mrs. Park and Mrs. Min both giggled at the nickname as they both waved at the boy goodbye.

"Hey jerk!! Wait for me!!" Yelled Jimin, screeching when he almost fell off his chair as he grabbed his bag and followed the older towards his car, the one that Yoongi had earned on his birthday and has been giving Jimin a ride ever since he got it all because his mother insisted of him doing so.

Plus Jimin liked the older giving him a ride.

Not that kind of ride thought my dear children. (╯ ͡° ل͜ ͡°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Don't get him wrong, he just hates to walk to the places he has to go to and he likes the miserable look the older gives him every time he asks him to drive him somewhere.

So it's a win win with a special bonus for him.

"Bye moms!" Exclaimed Jimin hurriedly to his mother and Mrs. Min, quickly pecking both of them on their cheeks before hurrying over to follow Yoongi towards his car.

"They seem pretty energetic as always." Chuckled Jimin's mother as she got up to collect all the plates on the table, Yoongi's mother laughing at her words while nodding in agreement to her best friend's remark, as she got up to help her friend move away the dirty plates and cups on the wide wooden table.

"Did you tell them yet?" Yelled Yoongi's mother as her slim arms tried their best in balancing the heavy plates in her hands.

A frown overtook Jimin's mother features at her question, her head cutely titling to the side confusingly towards her best friend, making the said woman laugh at her cuteness.

"About the contract silly."

A wide shaped "O" was formed by Jimin's mother's lips, the woman snorting at her stupidity.

"If I did tell them, would you really be seeing them jumping about happily together?"

Yoongi's mother hummed in agreement at this.

"Well, their fathers are coming back today...plus Yoongi already became a legal adult--"

"So today we'll drop that bomb on their faces." Nodded Jimin's mother to herself with a sly smile on her face, her best friend nodding in agreement at her words along with a smirk, as she put on her gloves to help her friend with the dishes.

"You got that right."


Was that good?

I'm new to the whole 'bts fanfic writers' club XD so please, bear with me >~<


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