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"Kokichi! Stop!"

Kokichi ignores the pleads of the detective and continued to read through his diary sticking out a hand so shumai couldn't get him.


Shuichi was again caught off by Kokichi reading the diary his voice dropping from his childish one.

"Don't be a waist of my time..., shumai wait!"

"Leave me alone Ouma!"

The detective ran out of there well knowing Kokichi realized that the note was about him. Shuichi continued running until he felt a tug at the end of his sleeve stoping him from running.


"l-leave me.."



Kokichi grabbed shuichi by the collar and quickly kissed him.

"Hm i guess I finally caught you mister detective, but I believe is supposed to be the other way..oh well! At least I finally caught you!"

Kokichi cheekily smiles at the taller male. Shuichi looked down at the small purple boy infront of him and softly smiled piling the other on a hug. "I like you too mister detective"

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