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(Normal school au,and kiibo is human)

No one's POV:

It was prom everyone was exited, kiibo went to prom with Miu after all they were dating. Rantaro went alone he didn't want to go but he went because he wanted to keep an eye kiibo. They were currently sitting at a table chatting having a little bit of fun, rantaro felt a little left out after all he was the only one without a date. Rantaro kept looking at kiibo a little jealous that Miu was dating kiibo but he decided to keep that in the shadows.

Kiibo was beyond happy dating Miu he though Miu was meant to be his but he was wrong. Miu left the table at the same time as Kaede, the two left for a long time which worried kiibo. Kiibo excused himself from the table and began to look for his girlfriend, what he found left him heart broken. By the bathroom stood Miu and Kaede making out, "M-Miu?" The two girls pulled away scared by the sudden interruption. "K-Kiibo,I'm sorry I-I just don't want to date you anymore but I didn't want to break your heart, I'm really sorry kiibo."

Kiibo ran out of there heart broken, he sat down outside the gym crying everyone was inside at least that's what he though. "Kiibo?" Kiibo shot his head to find rantaro waking towards him. "What happened kiibo?" Rantaro sat next to kiibo worry written all over his face. "Miu c-cheated ok me" rantaro frowned "tch you were just wasting time with her" "huh?" Kiibo looked at his friend confusion written in it, rantaro never spoke like that. "I'm sorry kiibo but she was just waisting your time" kiibo slightly frowned at his friends words. "I could've treated you better."

Kiibo's eyes widened at his friends words, "shit" murmured rantaro under his breath. He got up ready to leave but kiibo grabbed his wrist pulling him back down. "Amani-kun What are you talking about?" Even tho kiibo did know what rantaro was talking about he didn't want to jump into conclusions "n-nothing kiibi" Rantaro looked away blushing.

Rantaro's pov

Fuck! Why can't I ever keep my mouth shut maybe I should wash my mouth with soap. "Amani-kun don't lie to me" do I tell him, no he probably doesn't like me back. "I'm not lying kiibi" I always speak too much, there I go throwing another toaster I they bathtub. Kiibo grabbed my face making me look at him, "you know I don't like it when you lie" I blushed even more, if thats even possible. "AMANI-CHAN!!" There he is my angle guardian, kiibo let go of my face at the sight of Kokichi coming closer to us. "What is it Kokichi?" "You promised to dance with me!"

"Oh, okay" I stood up grabbing kokichi's hand walking back inside the gym.

No one's POV:

Kiibo staid there angry at rantaro for lying. Kiibo was unsure if he wanted to go back inside or go home already, after all this only happened once in a lifetime so he stayed. When kiibo walked in his eyes landed on Kokichi and rantaro dancing, he sat next to Shuichi who was shacking his head. "Hi Saihara-kun" "oh hi kiibo, weren't you going to dance with Miu?" "Change of plans, weren't you going to dance with Kokichi?" "He decided to dance with ranatro but he says he has a surprise for me" Shuichi shrugged his shoulders and looked away.

Kiibo didn't know why but he felt jealous of Kokichi, he wanted to shrug it off but he couldn't his mind kept on going back to the way rantaro was holding Kokichi. The song ended ranatro and Kokichi headed back to the table laughing, before rantaro could take a seat a girl tapped his shoulder and dragged him out of there. Kiibo felt a little curious but that was his friends privacy, when rantaro got back guilt was written all over his face. "What happened Amani-chan? Who was that girl?" "Just another girl from a different class" Kokichi kept on shifting positions to try and look at the girl.

Once Kokichi got a look at the girl he slightly frowned, "why is she crying?" "About that..she asked me out on a date" "oooh" Kokichi nodded his head and snuggled close to shuichi. "This is really boring" "your right" both Kokichi and rantaro sighted boredom taking over them. "Amani-kun" kiibo tapped Rantaro's shoulder "Yeah?" Kiibo leaned closer to rantaro and whispered in his ear "can we talk" rantaro nodded his head and followed kiibo outside. "What happened kiibi?" "I want the truth Amani-kun" "Huh? The truth?" Rantaro was a little confused. "Yeah, I knew you were lying to me Amani-kun so please tell me the truth."

Rantaro looked away he didn't want to tell kiibo at least not yet. "I-It's nothing kiibi, Believe me" "rantaro tell me the truth" "fine" he sighed still not making eye contact with the smaller boy. "I-Ilikeyou!" Kiibo didn't know how to react, he blushed madly and tried to make eye contact with rantaro. Rantaro was also blushing he just wanted to get out of there, an awkward silence floated around them. Rantaro turned around some tears on his eyes and walked away clearly regretting going to prom, "wait!" Kiibo grabbed Rantaro's wrist and made him turn around.

Rantaro didn't want to look at kiibo at least not at that moment. "Kiibo I'm tired, it's late, it's been a long day and you clearly don't like me back so bye" rantaro loosened his hand from Kiibo's grip and walked away this time actually leaving. Kiibo walked back in the gym very guilt from making his friend feel bad, "hey Kiiboy where's Amani-Chan?" "He left early" "why?" Kiibo sighed and explained Kokichi what happened. "Oh no" Kokichi quickly stood up and ran out of the gym "where is he going?" "I don't know" Shuichi and kiibo stayed there confused a little worried.

Next day After school

Kiibo was waiting for rantaro under the cherry blossom tree where many tails have taken place in. "Kiibo?" Kiibo looked at rantaro and smiled at him, "I'm sorry about yesterday.." kiibo trialed off still trying to process what he was about to do. Kiibo pulled rantaro into a sweet quick kiss. Kiibo pulled away from the kiss "I like you rantaro, I'm sorry it took me so long to find that out" kiibo hugged rantaro who hugged back. "Would you be my boyfriend?" "Yes!" The two smiled and decided to have a small date.

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