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No one's pov:

There's this couple that love themselves to bits, even when sometimes people don't think it's true...

Kiibo was waiting for their drinks, they looked over to the table with their boyfriend Rantaro. The lady called out kiibo's name and handed them their drinks.

Kiibo said as they sat at the table. Rantaro didn't respond he just kept looking down on his phone. Kiibo tapped Rantaro's shoulder getting the attention of the taller boy.


Rantaro said as he signed.

"It's ok taro, here's your drink!"

Kiibo signed as they handed Rantaro his drink.

"Taro, what happened to your hearing aid?"

Kiibo signed still wondering why the boy never carried it around with him.

"oh, I lost it..."
Kiibo looked at rantaro unamused.

"you always lose it, you should be more careful taro"

kiibo signed looking at rantaro with a pout.

"I know I know, i'll try to be more careful"

kiibo looked at their boyfriend with a serious face.

"I promise!"

Rantaro chuckled and looked at Kiibo in the eyes. The two burst out into laughter.

Kiibo shook their head and sighed playing with Rantaro's hair.


Rantaro perked up and looked for something inside his bag. He took out a tiny plastic bag out of it and handed it to Kiibo. Kiibo looked at Rantaro confused and took the bag taking a peak inside.

"Taro! really?" Kiibo signed

Kiibo took out a box with two rings inside, it was a set of matching rings that could be found online.

"What's wrong you don't like it?" Rantaro signed looking at Kiibo worried.

"No no, I do like it! It's just you buy too much stuff" Kiibo signed back looking at the rings closer.

Rantaro chuckled and leaned to give Kiibo a kiss in the cheek. Kiibo blushed a lot and turned his head to the side to prevent Rantaro from giving him another kiss.

Kiibo took the rings out of the box and handed Rantaro one putting the other one their ring finger. Rantaro cheekily smiled and put the ring on his own finger. Rantaro put his hand on the table waiting for kiibo to put their hand too. Kiibo put their hand to immediately have rantaro squeeze it and smile up to them.

The two finished their drinks and stood up throwing the empty cups away. They decided to walk around looking at the small stores and see the stuff.

"Taro, promise me you won't buy me anything" Kiibo looked up to Rantaro trying to maintain a serious face.

"Can't make promises"

Rantaro signed with a cheeky smile, he learned down and gave kiibo a kiss on the head. Kiibo rolled their eyes and held Rantaro's hand as they both walked. The two walked in a comfortable silence followed by the chatter of everyone else around them.

They stopped inside a cute small shop filled with little objects and toys. Kiibo was easily amazed by the cute little things he found. Rantaro followed close by also looking at the stuff, especially what Kiibo showed him.

"Do you want anything?" Rantaro signed slightly tilting his head to the side.

"No!" Kiibo signed

Rantaro sighed and shook his head still following behind Kiibo who kept signing about the cute tiny things. Rantaro found it adorable seeing Kiibo get so excited about those tiny things to the point where they incorrectly signed certain words.

"Wow, seven dollars for a tiny notebook" Kiibo signed shaking their head in disbelief.

"If you want it-" Rantaro was signing until kiibo gently grabbed his hands and shook their head no. Kiibo slowly let go of Rantaro's hands and looked up to him.

"Do you wanna go somewhere else?" Rantaro signed

"Sure!" Kiibo signed back and smiled up to Rantaro holding his hand as they both headed outside.

The two continued walking around, tiny things called their attentions and they entered many stores.

Eventually rain came pouring down and the two found themselves inside a cafe to prevent getting wet.

Kiibo sighed and sat down infront of Rantaro at one of the booths.

"I'm gonna call a car" Rantaro signed getting a nod back from kiibo.

"So cold" Kiibo signed and he visibly shivered.

Rantaro stood up from his seat and sat next to kiibo to hug them in a possible attempt to warm them up.

"Ok, are you sure, very very sure you don't want anything" Rantaro signed looking at kiibo.

Kiibo sighed and finally gave in to Rantaro's bad habit of spending money for them. The two walked up to the cashier and ordered two coffees and two sweets.

The two walked back to their table and ate their food happily. The two continued to chat after Rantaro called a cab for them. Soon the cab arrived and they left the cafe, the cab took them both back to Rantaro's apartment.

The two quickly walked inside the building laughing, Rantaro grabbed kiibo's hand as they both walked up the stairs to his room.

Once inside the apartment Rantaro made kiibo sit in the couch with him where they pretty much cuddled in the silence. The two enjoyed each other's company, sometimes it didn't seem like it since they had childish fights in public, but inside their apartments they loved each other to bits.

"Did you have fun today?" Rantaro signed right after they stopped cuddling.

"Yeah, thank you Taro" Kiibo signed back planting a few kisses on Rantaro's head and cheeks. Rantaro chuckled at all the kisses and melted into kiibo's arms. The two decided to put a movie on as they continued to cuddled on the couch.

Kiibo kept playing with Rantaro's hair until Rantaro decided to go to sleep early. The two ended up getting really tired from their small date.

"Goodnight Taro, I love you" Kiibo signed giving Rantaro one last kiss on the head.

"Goodnight Kiibo, I love you too" Rantaro signed back and smiled at the kiss.

The two laid down on Rantaro's bed and cuddled themselves to sleep. Even in their sleep their loved themselves to bits

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