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In a world where you have soulmates, if you cheat on them you can't say they name. If you try to say their name you say the name of the person you cheated with.

Sadly some people don't care about their soulmates and just do what they want. Like in shuichi's case, Kaede asked shuichi to hang out and he agreed Kaede drugged his food and did it with him. Kaede has a crush on shuichi but she does have a soulmate, Miu Iruma.

And that brings us to the present, Miu called Kokichi and told him that Kaede couldn't say her name but instead said shuichi's name. This turned on so many triggers on Kokichi that he nearly had a panic attack. Right now Kokichi and shuichi are fighting.

"For atuas sake I didn't cheat on you!" Shuichi was doing his best to avoid saying kokichi's name. "Say my name then! If you didn't cheat on me then say my name!" "How do you know Miu wasn't lying huh?" "She FaceTimed me, she's at Kiibo's, she's crying her eyes out shuichi!" Shuichi couldn't think of another come back. "If if I can trust you then please say my name" Kokichi started crying.

Shuichi walked up to Kokichi and hugged him trying to calm him down. "Ko-Ko-Kaede!" Shuichi covered his mouth. "S-so it's true..." Kokichi hugged shuichi. "I-I'm sorry" tears ran down shuichi's face, he felt guilt. "Why? W-Was I not enough?" "No, you are more than enough, I love you way too much" "then why? W-Why did you do it?" "K-Kaede drugged me.." "that bitch!" Shuichi held onto Kokichi for dear life. "I-I'm really sorry" "you might have cheated on me by force, you might not say my name for the rest of our lives but I still love you shuichi."

Kokichi kisses shuichi and laid down onto the bed dragging Shuichi with him. "I'm" Shuichi slightly giggled at the smaller male and cuddle with the small boy.

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