Making up

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Kaito X Korekiyo!!! (Not romantic) (yet)

I'm an idiot.......

Yeah, I know a lot of my classmates call me that. Hell even my "girlfriend" calls me that. But I never acknowledged it, at least not until today really.

Sitting down alone in the darkness, Tojo-San is usually in the common room at night but not today. I'm just alone, silent and alone. You don't usually get time alone when you're pretty much always at school (yay at school dorms). It's not relaxing though, I always thought that with free time I'll be able to relax and unwind but I'm stressed.

Stressed thinking about friends, studies, relationships, my grandparents, hell even working, I might have to get a job soon. Being in high school is hard, I always thought it'll be easy. Well, it could be easy if I didn't do a fucking killing game, but even then it seems hard......

.........It's stupid sulking over this though. I need to get up. I need to become better and do better, I need good grades and a good college to become an astronaut. I need to get stronger too, there's no resting time. I need to talk with-

"What are you doing here Momota?"

"Huh?!" I stood up quickly surprised by the sudden voice speaking to me.

At the end of the couch I sat on stood Korekiyo. He is-well was my best friend through middle school. We haven't talked much, whenever I try to talk to him he walks away, though it's nice seeing him, even though it's very late.

"Oh, hey Kiyo" I smiled at him giving him a small awkward wave.

It's weird him coming to me, not complaining though.

"I repeat. What are you doing here? It's awfully late" His voice is shaky and he looks concerned...
Is he concerned for me?
I hope not, I'm fine, I'm just thinking.

"Couldn't sleep that's all" I gave him a thumbs up with a more confident smile. He just frowned at me in response, yeah he doesn't believe me.

It is weird though, sitting alone in the dark doing nothing, just staring at the wall.

"Would you like some tea?" He backed away from me a bit.

So that's why he's down here....well tea sounds good.

"Sure" I nodded my head and waited for him to walk to the kitchen following after him.

So now, we're walking in the dark in silence. Should I turn the lights on? I mean it'll probably be easier for us but I think it's better to be in the dark. Once we made it to the kitchen he turned the lights on and searched for the kettle.

He knows his way around the kitchen. Well he is the one that helps Kirumi the most during all the meals. I think it's nice that he does that y'know? I'm glad that he's getting along with the others.

I felt a small smile creep on my face as I leaned on the counter watching Korekiyo. Korekiyo stands in a weird way, he always stands like he's hunching over himself like hiding his front body.


Oh, I'm staring.....
Aaaand now he's looking at me confused...

"Oh nothing sorry, zoning out I guess" I smiled awkwardly.

Korekiyo turned back around to the kettle. I always wondered what's going on inside his head, he always seems deep in thought which is funny for how alert he is over everything.

I looked back to the main door as if I'm waiting for someone to walk in, and maybe I am. Maybe I'm waiting for Shuichi or Maki to walk in so I can talk to them and break the silence in the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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