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Btw this are my pregame head cannons so don't judge me

No one's POV:

Kiibo was in his way back home from school as usual. The stars started to show and dance on the beautiful sunset of Tokyo Japan. Without noticing he bumped into a tall boy who had a different uniform meaning he was from a different school. "Sorry..." kiibo murmured, dusted himself and walked away from the boy. "Excuse me wait! Is this yours?" The boy caught up with kiibo and showed him a small chihiro phone charm. "Ah y-yes, thank you.." he bowed to the tall boy and grabbed his key chain.

Kiibo raised his view to see the boys face just to be shocked. "Aren't you the boy that survived the 52 season of danganronpa?!" Kiibo was a big fan of danganronpa even tho it was bloody he still liked it, one of his favorite characters were chihiro, Chiaki, and rantaro. "Y-Yeah..." the tall boy scratched the back of his neck. "Rantaro Amami right?" "Yeah, well anyways I got to go bye" rantaro waved and turned around ready to leave. Kiibo acted quickly and tugged at the end of Rantaro's vest. "C-Can I get an autograph..?" He looked up to rantaro hopeful.

"Uh...okay I guess.." kiibo took out a small notebook and handed it to rantaro who already had a pen. "Uh what's your name?" "Kiibo" "kiibo? Hmm" kiibo looked at rantaro confused. Rantaro handed kiibo the small notebook back. The autograph read 'to kiibo a hope robot' "hope robot?" "It's obvious that you're a robot and in Japanese traditional language kiibo means hope" rantaro explained a small smile on his face. "Oh, t-thank you for the autograph.." "you're welcome, anyways it was nice meeting you but I have to leave bye" with that rantaro actually left.

Kiibo looked down at his small notebook and hugged it tightly. He continues his way home making sure not to loose the notebook. Once he got to his house he went straight to his room and fanboy about the autograph. He once again opened the notebook but he noticed something else. "A note?" Kiibo never used that notebook so a note was pretty weird. The note read. 'Hello kiibo, I hope you're reading this, I kinda feel alone since the killing game and you seemed like a good friend so....if you want maybe text me or something 5*********'

Kiibo almost screamed when he saw the number, is it real is it fake? Many questions swam through Kiibo's head but one thing was clear for him, he was going to text rantaro. He immediately opened his phone and went through the contacts.

(When I say 'open' I mean like flip phones, another head cannon the pregame timeline is between late 90's and early 2000's so flip phones! Also I love flip phones)

He added new contact named Rantaro amami and texted the number.

Rantaro: who's this?
Me: it's kiibo the 'hope' robot
Rantaro: hi kiibo I'm glad you actually texted me :)
Me: I have a question
Rantaro: ? What is it
Me: why did you give me your phone number?
Rantaro: well you see I guessed you were a nice person

Kiibo screamed into a pillow, it's not everyday your idol compliments you.

Rantaro: wanna hang out sometime?
Me: sure, when?
Rantaro: tomorrow At the cafe down the bay around 12?
Me: okay :))
Rantaro: well is kinda late see ya tomorrow then kiibo
Me: bye

The conversation ended kiibo was madly blushing. All his dreams begun to become true now he can actually join danganronpa. Kiibo kept on thinking of he should ask rantaro about Danganronpa.
Kiibo woke up and a wave of happiness invaded his body as he remembered the hang out request. Kiibo got up from his bed and got ready, he checked the clock 9:30. Kiibo huffed and sat down on the couch watching tv inpatiently waiting. Once the clock hit 11:30 kiibo dashed out the door to the train station. The train arrived to the bay and kiibo was one of the people that left the train first. Kiibo ehetred the cafe Rantaro was already there a smile on his face. "Hey kiibo" rantaro waved at the small robot, "hi amami-kun" The two settled down at one of the outside tables. "Amami-kun how is it to be in danganronpa" "I don't really like it, it's just depressing and weird."

Kiibo slightly frowned, "I heard that you are participating on the next game, is it true?" "Well Yeah-" "wow! I'm going to audition for the next game" "Huh?! Don't do it! You'll regret it completely" kiibo looked at rantaro confused, why wouldn't rantaro want kiibo to audition. "Why?" "It isn't a nice experience, it's very traumatic" "then why are you gonna do it again?" Rantaro stayed silent for a few seconds before changing the subject. This small acts made kiibo burn with anger, kiibo always though ranatro as cool for surviving such brutal game but in real life he seemed lame.
Months passed kiibo eventually stopped talking with rantaro and still went to audition for danganronpa. The results to Kiibo's audition came back, he was super excited but soon he was disappointed. He didn't make it, kiibo threw the paper on the floor. He was disappointed but watched the 53 season on his computer. Kiibo nearly jolted upwards when he saw the way rantaro was dressed. Kiibo continued watching not a big fan of the protagonist. As kiibo kept watching he seemed more disappointed that rantaro didn't appear that much. The body discovery announcement rang everyone headed to the library, rantaro amami the first one down.

Once kiibo saw the dead body he slammed his computer shut. He rolled into a little ball in his bed many, he wanted to cry but couldn't he felt sad. Days passed, kiibo stopped watching Danganronpa way to sad to remember rantaro's death. One day a package arrived to kiibo from rantaro, this surprised kiibo and it gave him a little hope. The package had many  things in it and a letter on top of it all. The note read:

'Hi kiibo, by the time you're reading this I believe I'm dead. I always knew that I wouldn't survive a second game. I'm sorry if you're mad at me and I kinda get it, meeting a famous person just to find out they're a big pussy. But I hope you're alright and that you didn't get into danganronpa. This are some of my stuff I want you to keep, I know you'll probably just throw all of this away but I just want you to know I really enjoyed my time with you. I love you take care ❤︎.'

Kiibo reread the note again and again trying to see if he was reading correctly. Kiibo actually felt something cold and went run down his face, he touched his face water. Kiibo kept on feeling the water rolling down his face, he was crying. Kiibo looked through the stuff, just some old belongings of rantaro like shirts earrings phone charms. Kiibo grabbed one of the shirts and tightly hugged it crying onto it guilt washing over him.

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