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No one's POV:

"My fault?!" "Yes! You are the one that's never here, you are the one that always acuse me of cheating when you're the one that hangs out with your friends always!, you are always with Kaito and Kaede you're never with me!" "Bullshit! Stop saying lies Kokichi! I know you're cheating on me with Kirumi!" "For Atua's sakes shuichi! How many times do I have to tell you? Kirumi and Is like a mother to me!" "Excuses! This are just excuses! You are always lying to me Kokichi!" "Well maybe you could try and listen to me shuichi!" "You are saying it like if I don't listen to you! You don't know the efforts I do to keeps us together!"

"I'm the one lying? Listen to yourself! You never make an effort to talk to me! I'm the one that's always trying to mend up our relationship!" "You know what?! I'm sick and tired of you! I think it's time we break up!" "W-What?!" "You heard me! I want to break up with you Kokichi!" Shuichi glared at Kokichi and pointed at the main door. "Out!" Kokichi flipped shuichi off before getting out of the house. Shuichi sighed and sat down on the bed, "ugh finally silence" shuichi smiled to himself and flopped on the bed. Soon after he fell asleep.
Shuichi woke up on his bed all alone. "Huh? Where's Kokichi? Oh...he's probably sleeping at the couch" shuichi snuggled his head on the pillow closing his eye enjoying the warmth of the bed. "I should probably try to make up for the fight" shuichi stood up from his bed and walked to the living room hoping to find his small boyfriend. "Kokichi?" Shuichi walked into the living room just to found it empty. "Kokichi?" He looked all over the house in look for the small boy but sadly he was nowhere to be found. "He's probably at Kirumi's again" shuichi growled under his breath and started to do his morning routine.
Shuichi finally got back to his house after a long day of work, shuichi was hoping that Kokichi was inside the house but he wasn't. "Where is he at?" Shuichi dropped everything off at his room and went on a search for Kokichi starting at Kirumi's house. Shuichi knocked Kirumi's door. "Oh hi what are you doing here? You don't come here often" "is Kokichi here?" "Kokichi? Wasn't he with you?" "No" "he didn't come today-" Kirumi was cut off by her phone suddenly ringing.

Kirumi grabbed her phone and tapped on something. It looked like she was reading something, as more she read the more her eyes widened. "Tojo-san? What's wrong?" "I-It's Kokichi...shuichi I think you should read this.." Kirumi handed his phone to shuichi. It read;

Hi mother I know i have been a real burden this past months and I'm sorry for all those times. Yesterday it looked like shuichi finally got tired of me and decided to break up with me. I really enjoyed my times with you and I hope that you find a bright future  That's my last wish Kirumi. I'm really sorry I have to tell you this through text but I'm just a coward that's too scared to faces his own consequences. When you see shuichi tell him to go to the closet that's at the end of the hallway by his study room and to take out a safe. The safe has the code writing on the top of it. Love you Kirumi hope you live happily by the time you're reading this hopefully I should be dead. Bye!

Shuichi's eyes widened tears started to form in shuichi's eyes. "I-I have to look for him" shuichi ran to his car leaving the maid behind.
Around an hour has passed but no luck for shuichi. Shuichi's phone started ringing echoing in shuichi's ears. "H-Hello?" "Shuichi...I-I'm sorry" it sounded like it was kirumi. "Tojo-san what happened?" "I-I found him..." "what?!? Where are you?!" Kirumi hung the call and sent shuichi her direction. Shuichi made his way there quickly, but not too quickly so he didn't get in trouble. Once shuichi arrived he found Kirumi crying. "W-What happened? Where's Kokichi?!" "Shuichi...I-I'm sorry" "W-What?" "We were to late shuichi."

"Too late?,No! It can't be! He-He can't be dead! No! You're lying to me! This isn't funny we need to find him!" Shuichi's screamed at Kirumi until the police showed up. "I'm sorry sir but he's dead" one of the doctors that arrived walked up to shuichi as the other doctors took kokichi's body away. "N-No it can't be..No! I refuse to believe it! No!" Shuichi fell down to his knees crying. The doctors left the two along with the police. "Shuichi....come on let's go" Kirumi helped Shuichi up and walked to her car.

The two arrived at Kirumi's house, "I-I-I'm an idiot!" Kirumi sighed and hugged Shuichi tightly. "Shh it's going to be alright saihara-kun" "he's dead! Tojo-san!" "Saihara-kun I know how it feels to lose a loved one, so please believe me that you'll be okay and as time passes by you'll get better.." Kirumi looked at shuichi with sympathy.

You see Kirumi was dating Angie. The two lived halpily together, tho it's was mostly Kirumi keeping Angie from summoning a demon in the house. One day Kirumi was late and missed the time Angie tried to summon Atua and everything went wrong. When kirumi entered the house she found Angie's dead body in their room. That happened three years ago, kirumi seemed to get over it but still hated to be alone in their room.

"You can stay here with me" "t-thank you Tojo-san..." Kirumi patted shuichi's shoulder and went into the guest room probably to get it ready. Shuichi sighed as he looked down at his hands. "I should have expended more time with him..." tears kept falling down his face. "Tojo-san?" "Yeah?" Kirumi walked into the room. "What safe was Kokichi talking about?" "Hmm I actually don't know.." shuichi sighed, "I guess I should see what it is..." "I'll go with you" Kirumi grabbed her keys and walked outside to start the car. Shuichi followed after her.

They arrived at shuichi's house and started looking for the safe. "Found it..." Shuichi looked at it and read the code. He opened revealing all the stuff in there. "Wait is that you and Kokichi? I didn't know you knew each other since little" Kirumi looked at a picture of Kokichi and shuichi in their first day of kindergarten. "What else is in here?" Shuichi took everything out, almost everything were old photos of them. "A camera?" Kirumi handed the camera to shuichi. Shuichi turned it on and went through the pictures that were taken. "I-I didn't know he liked photography..." kirumi took the camera and looked through it. "A video.." Kirumi scooter closer to shuichi and played the video.

"Uh is this recording? Uh yep it is, hi. Hehe I'm so stupid. Well hello shumai hopefully when you're watching this I'm dead. I'm sorry for all the problems I caused you though out our life, I really love you but sometimes dark times get the best of you....but I'm not here to make you feel bad, I bet you already feel bad enough but it isn't your fault shuichi. I actually wanna relive some happy memories of us to try and make you happy. First up we have our first day of kindergarten, I remember that Kaede went up to you and took you away from me the whole day, I was really upset but I met amami-Chan. Then we have the time I sprayed water on you in the middle of winter, haha I still feel bad you caught a cold the next day and you didn't go to school. I honestly felt bad but still laughed whenever I remember that day....well I suppose this is all my beloved..., I love you."

With that the video ended. Shuichi cracked a smile. "That was all huh?" He heard kirumi say as she continued looking through the safe. "It looks like it.." "never mind it isn't" Kirumi took out a old blue flip phone with a sailor moon charm on the side. "Oh that's his phone from middle school..." "should we open it?" "I...I don't know...he, he was different" "different?" "Well sort of, he was a.. different person in middle school" (pregame) "oh, okay then" Kirumi placed the phone back in the safe getting lost in though. "I think we should leave now.." Kirumi nodded and got out of the house.

Shuichi followed Kirumi outside into the maids car. The two drove back to Kirumi's house in silence, they were still analyzing everything they saw, even if it wasn't bad. When the two got to the house they saw to white lights shaped like a human being one was taller than the other. The light faded and both Angie and Kokichi were standing in the middle of the living room. "Eek!" Shuichi yelped and hid behind Kirumi gripping on her arm . "Kirumi..what's wrong?" "H-How?" Angie looked at kirumi confused. "Y-You d-died t-three y-years ago" shuichi and Kokichi started a side conversation. "Any-*cough cough*" "Kokichi are you okay!?" "Yeah it just the dish soap I drank, geez now I'm going to taste soap for the rest of my after life."

"Okay w-what's happening?" "We're angels" "and we came to visit you one last time!" The two gave each other turns to speak a grin on their face. "H-How long are you staying?" "Not long" The two sadly announced lookin down. It was like they copied their moves. "But! We should enjoy the time!" "Shouldn't we?" The two bumped shoulders onto each other. And that's what they did, they passed their last minutes with the two happily. No fights, no hate, just love.

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