Chapter 148: The Big Feast

Start from the beginning

Kiba: Yeah, Good Work, man!

And behind them was Ruby, sitting with her team along with team JNPR, helping themselves to bowls of Ramen and Soup, talking about how much they have improved over the past couple of years

Ruby: I remember when we were first unlocking our semblances and making our weapons, we've gotten so much better! And so much Cooler too!!

Yang: Yeah, I remember when you couldn't even lift that scythe of yours, little sis!

Blake: Ruby, Yang, Thanks for confronting me back at beacon, when we first met, I thought if you only as nuisances, I can't lie...but you have both taught me and Weiss so much since then.

Weiss: Yes, I never would have thought we'd be where we are right now, so you have my gratitude!

Yang: We can't forget about you, Vomit boy! You've probably improved the most out of all of us!

Jaune: Daw! You think?

Everyone: DUH!

Nora: This Meat is almost as good as the pancakes Ren makes for me!!

In front of class 1-a was you along with the Z Fighters and Co. Everyone around you listening as you told them about your first fight with Issei

Y/N: So there I was, facing off with an Angry Juggernaut Issei as I faced him in Super Saiyan Blue, his Simp level was off the charts, nothing I've ever seen from anyone who's not Master Roshi!

Y/N: So there I was, facing off with an Angry Juggernaut Issei as I faced him in Super Saiyan Blue, his Simp level was off the charts, nothing I've ever seen from anyone who's not Master Roshi!

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Goten: Woooaaaah...!! So what did you do?!

Android 18: Issei's that brown haired boy who got mad at you when we first visited you, Right...?

Y/N: Yeah! But Back to what I was saying, He actually managed to get a few good blows on me so I ended up falling over and losing most of my stamina considering that I was challenged during the middle of lunch and wasn't prepared.

Gohan: So what happened after that...?

Y/N: Well, he was about to swing again until...

You suddenly flashed into Ultra Instinct Omen and pointed at yourself with a toothy grin as you spoke up

Y/N: ...I managed to awaken Ultra Instinct!

Vegeta then finished his plate as he pushed it away and quickly pulled his next one as he spoke before eating

Vegeta: Do these other Teenagers think that it was the first time you went Ultra Instinct?

Y/N: Hm...Yeah, I didn't tell them what happened a few weeks earlier...


You were currently fighting Broly as you lied on the ground while in Super Saiyan Blue, the majority of your ribs broken as Broly who was in a wrathful state, gave you a menacing grin

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