Chapter 6

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I wake up to being snuggled in calums chest with his arm around me.fuck. I check the clock and it's 10 am, good enough.

I stand up from the bed and hear Calum groan as he shuffles around in the bed.I open the door quietly as I can and I go back to my room.Before I even open the door I hear two guys yelling at Angel.. I open the door and it's that one guy,and Ashton. I didn't even notice he left.

"Guys calm down people are sleeping " I groan."okay I get it, Angel cheated .you don't have to yell, my lord im pretty sure she gets your point.Maybe you should give her room to talk " I add

Ashton and the guy stare at me blankly.

I put away my pillow and blanket, and I get out regular white shorts with a orange T-shirt and I walk in the bathroom and shower.

After I get out of the shower and change ,I apply some make up and I leave my hair wavy.then once I walk out of the bathroom Ashton and the guy are still there but Angel is speeking.they took my advice.

"I tried to break up with try Jake many of timea but he wouldn't accept it" I  hear Angel guessing Jake is that one guy."so I finally gave up and then I met you Ashton, I blocked him on everything and then here he is like 1 year later ,trying to ruin everything that made me happy" she adds.Maybe I shouldn't easdrop. I go and sit on my bed and text Danny.

To Danny: 

What time are you picking me up?

From danny:

At like 1 , so in a hour.

To Danny:


And then I put my phone down,as soon as I do Jake walks out crying and Ashton walks out pissed.What did I miss??

"Are you and Ashton still together?" I ask Angel.

"Yeah ,but he's pissed. I don't blame him" she says, I just nod my head in agreement.


"Hey" I say opening the door to see Danny.

"Hi, are you ready?" He asks smiling.

"Sure am" I say walking out closing the door behind me.

"Is Chinese food Okay?" He asks as we walk down the hallway.

"Yeah it's fine, let's try and not stain your shirt this time " I say and he laughs.

"Also What movie did you want to see,if you want to see a movie That's not in theaters we could go to my apartment " he says

"Apartment ?" I ask.

"Yeah I live off campus" he says.

"Well I mean we could go to you apartment" I say getting into his car.

"Okay, today should be fun" he says smiling ,and turning on the radio.

They whole way there we listen to random songs on the radio..

"We are here" he says turning of the engine.I just smile and open my door to get out. As we walk into the restaurant Danny asks the lady at the front for a table for two.we get seated and get our menu's handed to us.

A few moments later I have chosen What I want and the waiter comes back.

"You ready to order? " she asks.

"Yeah, I want shrimp fried rice " Danny says, as the waiter writes it down she says "and for you"

"Uhm ill have some orange chicken" I say

She nodds and walks away.

"Soo ,How's it going?" He asks.

"Good " I lie, not going to spill problems to someone I met yesterday. "How about you?" I ask



The rest of the time we were eating we were laughing and talking.

Now we are in his car on the way to his apartment..

"We are here" he says once again turning off the engine I step out of the car and follow him up the stairs. He opens his door and let's me inside first. "What movie?" He asks "I don't care, you can pick." I say. He Nodds and walks into The kitchen walking back out with two sodas and a bag of chips.

He sets them on the table and then plays the movie "the host"

Calums p.o.v

I am debating weather to call her or not,last night I should have had apologized ,but I was to tired to register everything ,all I remember is waking up in the middle of the night to her cuddling in my chest,then I put my arm back around her and fell back asleep. My finger keeps tracing over the call button on her contact but im not letting my self press it. What if she doesn't even want to talk to me? Liking her is so stressful, you can't tell want she wants my God shes so Confusing,when I look down it's calling her.Oh shit.

Cats p.o.v

As we are in the middle of the movie my phone vibrates ,I look down and it's Calum "excuse me I have to take this"I say and he Nodds and I walk to the door open it and stand outside of it.

"Hello" I say into the phone.

"Hey, I just wanted to say I'm really Sorry about leaving you at the dance,I'm trying to change so you can feel the same way about me that I feel about you but it's not happening as fast as i would like it to" he says...he trying to change himself for me? No he doesn't have to do that.

"You don't have to change yourself for me,and who said I didn't feel the same way also it's Okay" I say and I hear him gasp and I can't help but laugh.



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