Chapter 12

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It's the day of the Masquerade ball,and the time to get's going to take a very long time to get ready, due to the hair style I chose to do. It basically all big bouncy curls (curling my hair takes atleast 2 hours) then pinning my bangs into a poof thing.

And aswell as the makeup, since my dress is a purple tone I decided to do a purplish, smokey eye shadow.


About 4 hours later im all dressed, I look at myself in the mirror and the dress fits in all the right places and the heels and makeup look good,I put my mask in my bag and text the boys.

To: Calum, Danny

Remember the plan see you Lovlies at 12 x

And then me and Angel head out.

"Are you excited? " Ang asks turning off the radio in her car.

"Eh kinda not really " I say.

"Why not? I'm really excited " she says pulling out of the drive way.

"No reason. " I say.

"Alright, so who do you think will find you?"

"I don't really know" I say

"I feel like Danny will find you." She says.

I don't reply

"So. Who are you more interested in?" She asks.

"Eh I don't really know if I am interested anymore " I say half lying

"Who do you feel like you would be better with? I ship you and Danny more" she says.

"Why so many questions" I ask hitting my head on the head rest on the seat.

She shrugs and Parks unbuckling her seat belt

"We are here" she says.

    We both get out of the car and start walking into the big fancy building infront of us. The inside is beautiful, from the marble floors to the cement pillars.we walk up to the service desk and tell the lady what number ballroom.


" go up two flights of stairs and then make a left" she says.

"Thanks" we say.

  We then begin to walk up the red velvet staircase with golden hand rails. Eventually we walked two flights you and so we make a left. We secure our masks in place and open the big gold designed door revealing a huge room full of people dancing and people walking around attempting to find their dates.

"Good luck" Angel says to me and with that we part ways. I walk over to the bar sitting down on one of the stool and I order a random drink that sounds interesting to me. Finally my drink come and I grab it with my gloved hand.  I slowly sip my drink and glance over to see a man in a black suit 2 chairs away looking at me studying the face of mine that he can see.  I grin and him receiving a grin back and turn my head and begin sipping my drink.

  A few moments later the black suited man sits in the chair right next to Me. I look over but I can't really tell if it's Danny or Calum because he's wearing a full faced mask. Soon he's handed two drinks from the bartender and he takes them sliding one over to me. I arch my eyebrow and he nods his head signaling me to drink it. And I do just that.

  Calums p.o.v

At the moment I'm dancing with a girl it some Bright pink dress that literally Burns my eyes. I know it's not Cat because she would wear such a hideous color, but she has that sweet vinilla sent that Catherine has and the same color hair she has. So I'm slightly convinced. Suddenly the girl whispers in my ear.

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