Chapter 23

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I wake up in the back seat of Calums car, with a MAJOR hang over. When I sit up I see the passenger seat reclined all the way back, touching the back seat. with Calum peacfully sleeping in it. I sit next to his face and lightly pat his cheek.

"Calum wake up" I say and he takes my hand and puts it on his chest with his hand on top of mine obviously stopping me from patting his cheek. But he did not wake up.

"Calum wake up " I say and he groans.
"Fine I'm up, goodness" he says sitting up, he unlocks his car gets out and stretches then opening the door for me and I get out.

"We have to go in and find Ashton and Angel " he says.

"Why did we sleep out here?" I ask.

"Too many guys in there so once you got drunk i brought you out here to sleep." He says and i nod. We walk into the frat house and step over smelly, drunk people that are passed out on the floor. After 5 minutes of calum purposly stepping on people, and me stepping over then we finally find Angel and Ashton. We wake them up and go back to Angels and I dorm and Ashton and Angel lay in her bed and Calum and i lay in my bed. He rolls over and draps his arm over my side.

"Sleep time" he mumbles and giggles. Wow Calum giggling?? Thats new.

4 hours later we all wake up .

"I call dibbs on the shower first" angel tells ashton.

"I call dibbs on the shower first" calum tells me running into my bathroom while Angel runs into hers.

"So how are you?" Ashton asks.

"Hung over" I say and he nods

"Same" he says and I laugh. Then there is a knock at the door. I drag myself to the door and open it

"Hi Jenna" I say.

"Hi, i hope its okay if i showed up. I Wanted to hang out with you and Angel."

"Angel is in the shower,but you can come in." I say and she nods walking in and i close the door.

"Oh hi Ashton" she says and he waves.

"Hi" he mumbles

"Oh is Calum here too?" She asks.

"Yeah" i say.

"Good deal" she says and i nod.

5 minutes later Calum comes out of the shower and sees that Jenna is here.

"Yay, something to make my headache worse. Miss squeaky bitch " Calum says and she glares at him.

"At least I'm nice to people" she says.

"Believe me hun, this is me being nice." He says.

"How do you even have a girlfriend?" She aks.

"I don't, but if you're talking about Cat. Its because she can handle me, and im sweet to her........sometimes" he says

"Yeah ok" she says.

"I really can handle him most of the time." I say.

"I dont see how you do hes clearly a jerk" she says

"Because i have seen the sweet sides of him" i say.

"See don't assume anything about me unless you know me" Calum says.

"Okay well I'm going to shower now, be right back" I say and Calum nods.

I step out of the bathroom,after I shower and I see Calum yelling at Jenna.

"Wowowowoww what happened? " I say

"This Bitch had the nerve to tell me I'm a dick" Calum says.

"I call you a dick" I say.

"No you call me a jerk, and I only let you insult me to my face anyways" he says and I laugh.

"You're laughing?? You we're supposed to be on my side" Jenna says.

"Your side? You're truly an Idiot, if you think she would be on your side. Shes known you literally not even a week." Calum says and Jenna storms out.

"Seriously" I groan and he smiles and hugs me.

"Sorry" he says and I shrugg him off.

"You dont get to Hug me,you just pissed of Jenna " I say and he laughs.

"You're cute when your mad at me" he says.

"And your unattractive when you're a dick" I say and he laughs.

"Alright well I'll leave you alone while you're all crabby, bye babe " he says and walks out.

"I swear you guys act more like brother and sister, then two people who like eachother" Ashton says.

"I agree" Angel says.

"So what do you want to do today?" Ashton asks Angel.

"Come on, let's go shopping" she says grabbing her purse.

"Bye Cat" Ashton says and I wave as the walk out the door. Yayay room to myself yess.

I start blasting my music, and all of a sudden my door gets knocked on. Ugg probably the people next door telling me to quite down. I turn my music off and walk towards the door, once I open it my jaw drops.

"Oh my God, Danny" I say and hug him, and he laughs.

"Hi Catherine. " he says patting my back as we hug.

"Where have you been" I say pulling away and allowing him in.

"Well I've been so busy honestly, I don't know how I just got so tied up in my career and life I just blocked everyone out, but i snapped out of it and insted of texting you i decided to come see you face to face" he says while walking in with his hands shoved in his pockets.

"Well that was nice of you" I say.

"So are you and Calum cool now,or?" He asks.

"Yeah, were cool. The whole thing was a lie. " I say.

"How do you know that for sure" he asks.

"I dont but im trusting him" i say and he shakes his head and chuckles.

"Why do you do that? You trust everyone you shouldnt trust" he says.

"And you care because? " I trail on.

"Because I care about you, my feelings for you haven't gone away. I mean they are not as strong as they we're, but they're still there" he says.

"Damn, confidence level 100" I say and he laughs, making me laugh too.


Guess who's back, back again, Danny's back. Tell a friend.

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