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Car horns sounded from outside which I wasn't use to since back home I lived two miles down a street which resembled the country side, especially since the internet connection sucked. Our old home was also very small which meant I had to share a room with my little eight year old sister named Anna who thought it was a good idea to draw all over my possessions.

One part of me misses my two sisters, Anna and Amber, yet another part me is somewhat glad that they're with their grandparents because I know it would be havoc with them here in California. In a way, I feel like the both of them are better off with their grandma and grandpa because they will have a stable lifestyle whereas with my mother, you're constantly on the move whether it's going to daycare or her never being home.

I flicked the white comforter and sheet off my body, staggering up onto my feet and standing on the side of my bed until I don't feel dizzy anymore. My suitcases with all my clothes, shoes and other things were sat neatly on the couch, so I assumed my mother must've woken up before me and unpacked the rental car.

The clock on my wall ticked by every second, and I saw that the smaller hand was at the six which means I slept over twelve hours and I still had five hours of school to get through online. After rummaging through all the suitcases, I finally found my shoes and slipped on my worn out brown Bearpaws that I use as slippers.

Downstairs, my mother was setting photo frames on shelves and desks around the house along with other sentimental items, but she stopped when she noticed me standing at the foot of the steps, a distraught look on my face.

"Hey honey bun, you're awake!" She exclaimed, almost too happily.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned, "What do you want?" I groaned, yet I would do anything for her right now and I wasn't sure if she was going to take advantage of that or not.

"Do you want to go into town with the car and pick up some dinner for us, maybe even go to the store to get simple things like shampoo and stuff like that?" She asked, a smile planted on her lips.

"Of course, momma. Let me go get changed," I sighed and jogged back upstairs, opening my door a bit forcefully as it smashed against the wall. Nothing was damaged in the process, but it was a close call, "Now to find something to wear, god damn it," I muttered, realizing I would have to make myself look presentable.

After about ten minutes of organizing my clothes into separate outfits on the floor, I was finally able to pick something that I wasn't able to wear in Rhode Island since it was so cold, but now the temperature was warmer here and it felt like spring even though it probably felt like below zero to the people who have been living here for their whole life.

Back when I was fifteen which was almost three years ago, I was really insecure about the way I looked because although I wasn't the heaviest kid in the world, I also wasn't the lightest since I was about ten pounds overweight for my age group. Still though, I haven't healed from feeling extremely heavy even though everyone says I'm really skinny, I don't see it. Up until a year ago, I cut down on the food I consumed and started working out more which has been consistent for awhile now, so I'm slowly becoming comfortable in my own skin but I still have some weight to lose since I'm only at 105.5 pounds and my goal is at least 96 pounds.

With that being said, I shimmied into my blue skinny jeans with slit holes in the knees. Next, a loose, black v-neck tee shirt was being thrown over my head and I topped the outfit off with a baggy green flannel that was very large on me because I've lost some weight since I bought it three months ago.

Once being situated with my outfit, I grabbed the first pair of shoes I saw which were my semi new Adidas shoes which were plain white with only three black stripes on the side, then I laced them on and checked myself in the big mirror one more time before heading downstairs.

That Broken Girl ⇒ Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now