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Deadly silence overcame both Kian and I on the car ride back to his house, neither of us knowing what to say. It was obvious Kian wanted to say something, you could practically see the determination on his face, eyebrows skewed upright as he tried to think of something to ease the tension in the enclosed area. Wanting so badly to create small talk, I wracked my brain for some easy go-to topics, but came up short. I sighed a breath of relief when the familiar structured house neared in my vision. The awkward tension released itself from the car when I opened the door and ran directly into their house. I scowled, a boy with brown hair and the same bluish gray eyes stood before me, never have I ever seen this person in my entire life. Has he broken in? Should I alert the others?

"Who're you?" I demanded, fists clenched at my side, ready to punch this stranger in the face. I didn't have an immediate hatred toward him, but I didn't like strangers at all, especially when they're intruding in my personal time away from my depressing thoughts.

"Has none of the boys mentioned anything about me?" He asked calmly, not in any way trying to provoke me with a substantially angry tone of voice.

"They might've, but I wouldn't know because you're being stubborn as fuck and won't tell me your name." I hissed, eyeing the boy up and down, taking in his appearance.

"Trevor, the name's Trevor." He said, adding a flamboyant laugh to ease the tension. The fists at my sides unclenched themselves as my facial expressions mellowed. Trevor, the youngest boy in Our Second Life, their YouTube collaboration channel. Kian has said something about him before, along with another person named Sam. Could Sam possibly be here too?

"I see you and Trev have met." Kian interrupted from the doorway. I spun on my heel rapidly, glaring at Kian. I can't believe him, how dare he not warn me about new people I'd have to meet.

"Yeah. We have." I muttered through clenched teeth. I almost punched his friend for Christ sake! He could've at least done me justice and told me about Trevor being here, it would save me the trouble of thinking a murderer had broken into the house. I spun back around and stared at Trevor, the awkward tension from the car had obviously followed Kian into the house.

"I'm Ryley." I replied finally, walking away without a second glance toward either of the boys. Great first impression on Trevor, almost punching him in the face is always great when first impressions are necessary. I walked away, roaming the house for other people that might know of my existence. I don't think I can handle meeting another new person right now, seeing as the smoke is fuming from my ears. Not that I'm mad or anything, but it does piss me off that Kian didn't give me warning, he knows how I get around new people, so the fact that he didn't tell me about Trevor coming over, makes me angry. Although, possibly he didn't even know, and maybe I'm blowing things way out of proportion, but I can't help it. With thoughts roaring within my messed up mind, I dawdled into a room without thinking, prominently being barked at by a dog immediately.

"Be quiet." Jc ordered his dog, stopping whatever he was doing to look at me. "Oh, hey Ryley."

"Hey Jc... and hi Wishbone," I cooed, kneeling down to pet the small dog sniffing my stomach.

"What's got you in a bad mood?" He questioned, sensing my oddly angry persona.

"Just some things." I admitted, but I rolled my thoughts off my shoulder and sat next to Jc on his bed, instead of standing in his room awkwardly.

"Shall I join you in the delightful time of watching Netflix with thou?" I boasted, trying to talk sophisticated like, but failing miserably.

"Thou shall." He chimed, playing his episode of SpongeBob, which may I say is possibly one of my all-time favorite TV shows. After laying down beside each other like two normal friends would do, Kian finally came searching for me, once he allowed me to cool off a bit.

That Broken Girl ⇒ Kian LawleyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang