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These shattered pieces, too much to hold,
These sharp stings of pain and tears,
Have become my daily life
If I could only find a way
To console that broken heart
Which I so recklessly threw to fire
All would be back to normal,
If only these caged words in my soul
Would come out of its daze
But I still fear its venom
And would poison that heart again
I wish I knew a way
Out of this darkness
This distress
And this madness
That eats me away every day
There's light all around me,
But I'm afraid to travel back to it,
I'm better in this dark chaos of my soul
That eats me away from inside
Making me a hollow shell,
Lapping me up in bits and pieces
Until there remains none,
And yet there's this pain in the bones,
This raw, deep and sharp sting
That oozes nothing but more darkness
Makes me wanna die everyday
Cause I was never worth the living.


Journey to the Depth of my Soul ✓Where stories live. Discover now