the art of losing myself

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At times, I just wanna become invisible,
Because the ignorance you give is so unbearable.
I know I am a worthless & careless person,
But then too, I need a person.
I think I wanna die,
Cause you make me wanna lie.
I don't think I understand you,
And neither do I believe you understand me.
The gap between us is so hurting,
I wanna curse myself as loud as ranting.
There are things I wanna say,
But never knew how to say,
I am just afraid and lone.
Maybe too much fear has made a home,
In my heart filled with love,
That now it turns to nothing but darkness.
This darkness I so much wanna get lost into,
But fearing to lose you too.
This darkness I'm so much afraid of,
This madness I'm so much scared of,
I'm losing myself in bits and pieces,
Where I just won't care anymore
And burn myself into ashes.


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