a conversation at the grave of humanity

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NOTE: Humanity has been named as Unknown here. It serves as a purpose of anonymity. And mind that, though looks are described, there's no specific gender for Humanity in this story. So it'd be up to you to consider a gender and read, or leave it as such

Me: *slowly whispering* "Hello?"

I suddenly hear a lot of coughing sounds. Someone's really not well.

Unknkown: "Well, -- hel- lo, uh, uh, -- human."

The person in front of me was some old man whose clothes were in a shredded condition. I couldn't speak for a while. The figure in front of me was scary as well as intriguing. I was in a dilemma to stay or just run away.

Unknown: "You can leave me like everyone else. I'd not mind at all."

It was as if it could read my mind. Shivers ran down my spine.

Me: "N-No. I'm not leaving. I- I want some answers..."

It was a chilly night and I regret not bringing my sweater along. But man, I had travelled out here only to get a few answers. Tired and frustrated of the happenings around me, I decided to travel down to here.

Unknown: "What answers do you want dear? What answers? After killing me like more than million times, you come and say you want answers from me? Me? *presses thumb against itself* Oh human, when you're the one who killed me, shredded me and brought me to this state.. how can you?... how can you ask questions to me?"

It's voice rose and fell with various pitches but even this small talk spoke voluminous notes about how evil we've been.

Me: "I know I'm wrong."

I fell to my knees and somehow pleading him to give me some answers, some comfort that'll stop this chaos of my mind. I wanted those answers lest I lost myself to this storm. It was raining by now.

Unknown: *sigh* "There's a difference between knowing and realizing dear. To know something is common, but to realise the same thing to it's core is rare. How many brutal kills, assaults, wars, pains, blemishes, sufferings have you caused? Can you give me completely true statistics? Forget forensics or science,  give me a real life account."

I was silent as ever.

"It's more than even I could ever count. Why? Why have you become so instinctive? Acting on only one state of mind without caring about single consequence. In this race of technology, you keep digging your own grave and each day going deeper. *sigh*

But you'll not understand, let everything turn its tide on you, maybe you'll understand then. As of now, write this epitaph on my tombstone, 'Choice is yours to send me to heaven or hell'."

It was raining heavily by now, but I didn't care. I follow as instructed and the spirit disappeared in thin air. There was a blue aura around me and I somehow felt a different peace. The storm in my mind was now calm and I became a new creature once again.


Woof! A short story tale for today, lemme know your honest opinions on the same :)

Thanks for stopping by to read, stay awesome!

Loads of love,

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