essence - a short story

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Roshni was born in a very rich family and as the norm goes, she was raised on a silver platter where she didn't even know or rather understand, what life actually was.

Years pass by in haze and she's still more or less in her comfort shell. Then one fine day, when all the relatives were gathered for the thanksgiving day, she was quite alone in her room as she rarely socialized with people.

She rested her chin on her knees and was wondering what she should do. Suddenly she heard a strange noise. She was scared as she never knew what it was, and handling a situation was not her cup of tea.

She stood up at once and was shivering with fear. The voice said, "No need to be afraid of me, I'd not harm you, its just that... I need your help, and you're the only one who can help me."
She replied, "Why only.. me? Like who are you and... why you're here..?"

The voice was neither of a human nor creature, it had a totally different metallic tone to it and on closer observation, a barrel voice. She agreed.

She went through a secret portal to reach a cellar. She was horrified when she saw what was ahead of her.. a skeleton with handcuffs and its position was kind of weird. She didn't understand, in what sense of logic a person may be in that position.

The voice continued, "Well, that used to be my body. What remains is only a skeleton, and everyone becomes a skeleton after their death. No colour, creed, caste or even nationality can define it or put a tag on it. Its all the same for each and every person around the globe. I was tortured to death and was kept in this cellar without even food. I was devastated. My own brother did that, sigh I know it looks like I'm making up a story, but it's true. Nobody believed me till date. The only relief you can provide me is through love. If you promise me that till midnight, you'll go to my grave and put some flowers on it, it'll give me a certain peace and will help me go back to my world rather than roaming around here. Can you do that..?"

She was in a deep thought and after some wait, she agreed. She was out of the portal and through the secret alley of her home, she went out to the grave and placed the flowers. It was slightly stormy outside, but her determination made her go beyond her comfort zone. She was never motivated to do anything, but this time, her gut feelings told her to do otherwise.

When she placed the flowers, she felt a slight electric jazz and a different kind of peace. She didn't knew what it was.. but she felt it soothing, as if the unknown voice was thanking her. She went back home safely. She found that all were in the hall in a bewildered and tensed expression. Everyone was searching for her and here she came, finally with a big smile on her face. All went on well, and her brother asked, "where were you actually?". She replied, "Uhm well, I went for an adventure, but I felt something more than usual. I felt the essence of life in the most beautiful manner and the peace I feel is undesirable."


Inspired from the story, "The Canterville Ghost"

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