Poem #46: February 20th, 2010

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One True Friend

I remember the day you came into my life.

I saw my future lighten up,

And I recall every moment from that day.

Every sight, every sound, every emotion,

Brightened up my dismal life and gave me hope.

And as the days went by, we got closer.

The connection was strong and we were perfect together.

You were my one true friend; I trusted you with all my heart.

You were there for me no matter what we went through.

You made me come alive throughout the hardest of times.

I thought nothing could ever break us apart.

I cared about you, you cared about me.

And I still care, regardless of the countless times I deny it.

It still hurts me, even though I refuse this feeling too.

And I’ve realized just how much you meant, and mean, to me.

Having you as my friend was the best thing in my life,

And the silliest little thing tore us apart,

I can barely comprehend it, even these days.

I don’t understand how our relationship could have been ruined,

But I do know one thing for certain,

I loved you, and will love you with all of my heart,

But not as anything more than a friend.

I care for you like you are my own family, and I know you loved me too.

And not a day goes by when I don’t think of you,

Wishing I could go back and change something.

I miss you more and more each day,

And I am hurting inside, thinking of you, of the way we were,

I long for the days where we were so close.

I miss having someone who cared about me so much,

Someone I trusted, someone who was good to me.

I miss having someone to talk to about anything and everything.

I desperately needed someone to listen, and you did.

You would talk to me until I stopped crying each night.

You always made me feel wanted and gave me hope that someone cared about me.

You were everything I always wanted in a friend.

But I never thought you would hurt me like this.

You’ve made me feel like I’m worthless.

I feel betrayed, in disbelief; we were a part of each other.

Why did you do this to me? How did you do this?

Why do you want me to hurt so much every day of my life?


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