Poem #42: February 16th, 2010

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Warm days to cool nights,

Temperature dropping with each passing day.

Trees' beautiful changing leaves

Turning from pure green into reds, yellows, and oranges,

The colors of fall.

They fall from the branches as the seasons change.

Piles of them, crisp, fresh,

And crunching as you walk on them.

Animals sensing the changes of nature,

Preparing, burrowing in dens,

Or taking flight to warmer areas.

Humans sensing change,

Warm sweaters come out,

And logs burn in the fireplace.

Some, like the animals, flees to other climates,

While others decide to stay.

Seasonal plants are abundant.

Many pumpkins are seen,

Some even having human features.

These are all the sure signs.

Autumn has come.

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