Poem #25: January 30th, 2010

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An Old Toy

A figure, sitting in a room.

It's soft silk shining in the moonlight.

It's sides sewn up with intricate stitching.

Staring off into the distance, wistfully,

As if recalling a memory from long ago.

A thin coat of dust has settled upon it's shoulders.

Each tiny piece symbolizing a year past.

It has not been moved in ages, it has not been touched.

Hasn't been looked at or thought about.

The years where it travelled so much, gone.

So many things have changed in this great passing of time.

People have grown up, become occupied,

And forgotten this poor dusty memory.

But still, it sits there, with it's glance into the distance,

And a smile, forever etched in it's face.

And it waits and waits for someone to finally remember.

To remember the past,

And bring it with them, out of that room,

Into the future.

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