Twelve of Us Trapped (Sneak Peek)

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Hi everyone! Lolbit here with a sneaky-sneaky annoucement~! A friend of mine Lefty_da_bear  said this book sounded interesting, and I'm here to give y'all a sneak peek to what might come. If I get at least three comments asking for it to be uploaded (I just need that moral support, guys -n-) I will as soon as possible. So, before I give you the content, let me explain what the book is about.

It's a POV changing book, and there will be twelve total chapters, one for each perspective. But, because of that, the chapters will be super long. So long I might have to split them into different parts.

Anyway, the book starts with a girl coming home a receiving a letter because a pub is opening-up nearby on Carnaby Street so she can draw on the walls as decoration. Having money involvement, the girl, like any other person, decides to go. When she arrives, the girl meets eleven other people already there. One of which being a girl named Celestia Green, which she had met on a train ride a couple of hours before. Next thing you know- well, I'm just going to give you this to read:

Nibbling on my Granny Smith apple, I make my way to Carnaby Street. I had done some research on my computer and found out there is, in fact, a pub that is opening on that road. I was glad to be invited to do some doodles on the walls and get cash in my pocket. I was tired of asking my dad for money, and I kind of wanted to be more independent. Before I knew it, I have already arrived there. Carnaby Street. I smile and walk up to a pub that says "Grand Opening Soon!" on it. There was an open door. I was going to enter but my dad's voice says something.

"You will pass a candy store, get the man some...Dark chocolate with sea salt." I smile and walk to the candy store next door and buy the man some chocolate.

Now you're ready. Instinct says as I walk through the pubs' door. There are a couple more people in the room I was in. We say our "hi's" to each other and stand in silence. A couple more walk in. The last person that came in shocked me.

"Celestia?" I ask.

"Mia!?" Celestia exclaims and we run to each other. The other people just stared at us.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her.

"Oh, well.... Someone asked if I wanted to help with organizations for the new pub that's opening up-" She got cut off by the door slamming shut. It was pitch black in the room. One girlish voice screamed.

"Alright everyone, calm your horses." A male voice sounded. "Did the light bulb fail?"

"No, idiot, can't you recognize a slamming door and a light bulb popping?"

"Guys! Relax! I have a flashlight anyway..," I declare, in a matter-of-fact voice and start rummaging through my backpack. When I felt the flashlight's switch I exclaimed, "Found it!" I turn the flashlight on.

"Thank you," says the same voice. He had artfully messy black hair and I made out his chocolate brown eyes, which were full of fear; he didn't show it. "So. Um. How do I do this?" He takes a breath. "Hi, my name is Flint. Flint Tall. Yes, you can laugh." He says, and some people smiled. He was tall after all. "So it looks like we're going to be here for a while." He scans around the dull black room. "So.... I guess we should all introduce ourselves!" He smiles, clapping his hands together. Around six figures nod. One shivers next to me.

She's the one that screamed. Instinct clicked. The girl had ocean green eyes which were almost impossible to make out; her pupils dilated from all the fear. She had sleek and shiny black hair with metallic green strands of dyed hair. Her head was decorated with a grapevine, that looked like a nature crown. She played with her hands; fully covered in henna tattoos. She's nervous. Calm her down.

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