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Date: January 1, 2019 2

Hey guys, gals and animatronics!
Do you guys have any ideas? Like, any ideas in general. It doesn't matter. Shower thoughts, story ideas, writing prompts, friendship ideas, anything? I just want to fill my brain with something before it's too late and all my brain cells have committed suicide one by one. XD. If you guys want to ask me something, you can contact me, or just ask me in the comments.

You can comment on this lonely sentence.

I'm also a really good artist. If you want me to draw something, I can do it for you and post it on here. I'll be doing a face reveal at 40 followers. I wanted to do 50 but then I thought I couldn't make it. Anyway, enough of me, what about you? How was your day?

This is the first year of 2019 2. This year NEEDS A SEQUEL!!! From now on I will write that this is year 2019 2. Because it's true. Please support! We need to spread the news so that Trump will listen. It won't matter for long because he won't be president anymore. I will not let that happen, consider me gone from the continent if that's true. I mean, FLORIDA IS A NICE PLACE!

It's A Lolbit Show

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