My face reveal

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Date: January 17, 2020
As promised, when I get 40 followers I will do a face reveal. Well, DarxenInfection is my 40th follower! Yay! You all 40 are amazing people and we're a little Wattpad family. So, I'm gonna write random stuff and at the bottom I'm gonna do my face reveal! Eek!

So you guys know the three buttons on the top of your phone that suggest words for you to type? So yeah, I'ma press that a bunch of times:
So you guys ever so much so I'm not going on the market in the you guys know the status on my face reveal party is on Saturday morning at so many things I do for you please don't hesitate to contact us for the bottom of the page and I will be there at the same time I don't have a car so I can get a copy from you soon thank God I have a car (what?) You can come over you and I can go is the bottom I'm going to your house to type it out to the top is the bottom am going on vacation I'm going back and forth with you guys know you are busy and forth on vacation the top is the status yeah I'ma go is my resume and forth one more time before the end of times but you remember me I have no money and I don't know if I have any questions I'll be there in about the status yeah I can go back on I don't think we will be ok to type in my life and forth one more thing to type it all 40 are going online I have to type in my face that a lot lately so I have no idea how long it all in one place to another site I have to be at the bottom of times I have no clue what the hell is the same as last week and forth on this email as my life I have no money to type up a car what I can go back yet so I'm going back and I have to get my life together the week after Thanksgiving I will have no money for you please don't forget the top is the best time before you guys have to be in a relationship but you guys can make the top is a little bit I think we are amazing people are going on vacation the top is a little more time before the top is a car what time do you guys have a good weekend too and forth one more time I will have a look and I will have no choice I think I will go to type up a car so I don't think I have to be in my email to you and I will have to be a member of times I have no clue what the heck is going to be in a relationship but the top is the top and I have to go back on my card for you please don't hesitate if I have a car what I was going on and forth on the you are busy and forth one of times and forth with I will go with I will go with I am the top and I don't have to be in the office tomorrow and will be in touch with you and here is my face!

So you guys know the three buttons on the top of your phone that suggest words for you to type? So yeah, I'ma press that a bunch of times: So you guys ever so much so I'm not going on the market in the you guys know the status on my face reveal pa...

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If you guys read the thing I randomly typed you're amazing! Time flew by so fast from the moment I told you guys about the 40 followers milestone. I don't know what to do for my 50 or 60 followers. If you guys have any ideas please comment I'm clueless. I hope you guys like my face (what a weird thing to say XD)

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