Tagged (part 11)

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I was tagged by Lefty_da_bear, so let's check what she wants from us! (On her profile it didn't have a picture on it so I'm going to jot down the questions so it will be easier for the people I tagged. You're welcome!)

Do you care what people think about you?

What's your middle name?

What's your favorite sport?

Who's your best friend?

Who is someone you can't live without?

Do you have any nicknames people call you?

Are you cute or sexy?

What are your preferred pronouns?

Has anyone ever asked you out?

Do you believe in love at first sight/soulmates?

3 biggest pet peeves?

Do you consider yourself an emotional person?

Some phrases you say often?


Favorite picture of another person?

What's your favorite hobby?

Who's your role model?

Who's the best person you know?

Who's your crush?

Tag some people.

You're welcome, people. Anyway, onto the questions:

Do you care what people think about you?
No, not really. Well, it depends. If they think I'm something I'm not, (like very smart, perfect, etc. stuff like that I'll just sigh sometimes knowing how wrong they are.)

What's your middle name?
Should I tell you guys my non-existent middle name? Okay, here we go. Where I'm from, we don't have middle names. You don't get one. What're you gonna do about it? Don't sit in a corner and cry about it. I don't know why you would.

What's your favorite sport?
Probably volleyball. I love volleyball, it's fun (tho I'm bad at it, it's still fun).

Who's your best friend?
My best friend is 3-r-5-11 Give him a follow!

Who is someone you can't live without?
My boyfriend probably. I can't go a day without having a good ten-hour long conversation of some sort. (I'm over exaggerating. We talk for about 4 hours usually.

Do you have any nicknames people call you?
I have been given a lot of nicknames. Like Puma, Lolbit (school nickname that I'm not going to say because it's a part of my real name), Foxy, Kitty, Lizzard (just why?), Eleanor, Russian spy (I've been given a lot of nicknames because of where I was born. I don't mind tho.), my boyfriend gives me a lot of cute nicknames that I'm not going to write out because I don't feel like he'd approve me writing this, and a lot more that I'm not going to write out because the list is too long.

Are you cute or sexy?
Um, I dunno. Let me ask some people. Comment here I guess. I don't like giving myself compliments so I won't say anything ahead of time.

What are your preferred pronouns?

Has anyone ever asked you out?

Do you believe in love at first sight/soulmates?
I believe in soulmates, that there's only one person out there for you and you spend your life trying to find them.

3 biggest pet peeves?
Improper grammar.
When people copy me. It gets really annoying I'm just staring at them like "bish be urself everyone else is taken stop adapting to my terrible lifestyle of living."
Third one is when people don't finish things or do things that cause my OCD to trip up and try to kill them with a hammer.

Do you consider yourself an emotional person?
Yes. I cry like three times a day honestly.

Some phrases you say often?
It's A Lolbit Show
Hönk hönk am goose
Tag other things I say a lot in comment because I don't know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You guys already saw my face two times, and I'm honestly thinking of deleting that because it's bad to reveal personal stuff like that.

Favorite picture of another person?
I accidentally captured a funny picture of my boyfriend and I grin like a lovestruck fool every time I look at it.

What's your favorite hobby?
Walking probably, watching YouTube and practicing my inevitability of death (Unus Annus everyone!)

Who's your role model?
My perfect sister (who is older than me by 15 years) probably.

Who's the best person you know?
My boyfriend.

Who's your crush?
Same as last one)

Tag some people.
How about no?

That's it. For now...

I'll come back.

I always come back. *Smile*

It's A Lolbit Show

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