I'm tagging people just because I want them to flip out 😁

57 7 136

So, people have been doing these things, and I thought, why not ask you guys some questions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Here you have to answer your 19 questions)
Good luck

Tag me: @ItsALolbitShow
Where were you born? (You don't have to be specific, you can just say something broad like North America)

Were you named after someone?

When is the last time you cried?

Are you in love? (Have a crush, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc. Mention which one(s) you have)

Do they love you?

If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? Why or why not.

Do you have any pets?

Do you use sarcasm?

Would you skydive off a plane with me?

What eye color do you have?

Do you have brothers and/or sisters?

First thing you notice in a person?

Do you have any hobbies?

What's a thing about yourself I wouldn't have guessed about you?

What's your height?

Hair length?

When is the last time you held hands with someone? Relationship status with that person

What was the best day of your life? Summarize what happened.

Would you want to spend a day with me in person?

A/N: That's it! If you see this you are tagged. Tag me in the beginning of the tag so I can see your responses. I will tag some people as well, and if you aren't one of those ten people I'm tagging, you can still do it)

Also, just copy and paste this if you're doing your own tag book, or you can just leave your answers here in this paragraph.

Ten tagged people:

Have fun

It's a Lolbit Show

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