Chapter 27: Mistake

Start from the beginning

Is this man for real? And WHY is he talking to her like she is awake? WHY did he touch her boob! I've had enough of this.

Jimin: "What are you doing Doc? Why are you basically prancing around at such a serious time! You are talking to her when she can't hear you! Actually FLIRTING! And you touched her boob. You are grinning like this is something funny! Is my girl's life a joke to you? AND... ARGH!!! What are all these tubes!?" I stand up and shout. My hands fly everywhere gesturing like a crazy man as I express my frustration.

 My hands fly everywhere gesturing like a crazy man as I express my frustration

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Dr Chu: "Hold on young man. I just love my job, I do it well, and I am happy while doing it." He takes a step back and holds his hands up in defense.

Jimin: "I'm sorry... it's just that..." I breathe heavily, running my fingers through my hair. He interrupts me.

Dr Chu: "I can tell you are really worried about her, so I won't hold your outburst against you. I will explain everything. That is her IV, oxygen, chest tube, and catheter. This thing measures the amount of oxygen in her blood. That there checks her blood pressure, and those stickers monitor her heartbeat." He states in a serious tone as he points to each thing attached to her. I never stayed in the hospital overnight before and never been through any of this, so seeing my baby like this is shocking for me.

Dr Chu: "So now I will explain her status. Then I will answer any questions you have."

Dr Chu explained that fortunately her stab womb itself did not hit any vital organs. However, she had a punctured lung - which collapsed, due to broken ribs. She also had a broken jaw, three broken fingers, and some scraped knees.

Jimin: "I have questions... If she was stabbed, why does she have all of these other injuries?" I inquire as I rub my temples out of confusion.

Dr Chu: "Other than the scraped knees, these injuries were NOT sustained from the stabbing or from the fall." He explains.

Jimin: "Then how?" I say shakily because I am afraid to hear the truth.

Dr Chu: "It appears she was beaten."

Jimin: "WHAT?! I don't understand... I- I don't know how to take this news." I rest my head in my hands and start to sob uncontrollably. This is unbelievable. After this I couldn't focus. I couldn't hear anything else he said.

 I couldn't hear anything else he said

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