Before starting the car, I plugged the auxiliary cord into the headphone jack of my phone and quickly shuffled my car tunes playlist, Pocket Full Of Dreams by Hedley was the first song to come on, and he's my favorite artist, to say the least. His voice is angelic, harmonizing perfectly with any other living soul. I predict that he and Niykee Heaton would be a perfect collaboration, for their voices would melt together in absolute accord.

I managed to listen to three songs--Shut Up And Dance Acoustic by Tyler Ward, Vanilla Twilight by Owl City, and Sound Of Your Heart by Shawn Hook--before I had parked the car at the foot of Madilyn's driveway, which would be absolutely filled with cars by the end of tonight. Believably, it was not the best idea to park in the front of her garage, for I'd be trapped in later on, but I was too careless to move the vehicle and I headed into the house while softly humming the melody to Head Over Feeling by Taylor Matthews.

"Thought the antisocial would stand up her best friends," Sara chimed when she opened the door, pulling me in for the longest hug you have ever seen.

"I was thinking about it, but I wouldn't let myself miss out on this one, you guys went through a lot of trouble to plan this and it means the world to me, so thank you. It's nice to know that people out there care about me."

"Of course we care about you silly goose, we've been friends for so long and we'll stay friends for even longer. Distance is just a number, it won't be that hard to battle especially in two or so years since Sara and I will be old enough to move out there with you," Madilyn explained.

I didn't bother answering her, I just laughed and pulled the two of them in for a hug before pushing past them to invite myself into her house which was hardly big enough to hold the capacity of people she was inviting, even though it was three stories high. I threw myself onto her couch, ignoring the stares coming from her cat who presumably hates my guts and doesn't trust me one bit.

"What did you ever do to my cat to make him dislike you so much?" Madilyn asked, joining me on the couch after moving my legs from her spot, only for me to place them on her lap.

"Remember the time in fifth grade when I thought it'd be hilarious to throw him into your pool?"

She tried her hardest to hide her laughter, but it was no use, "Oh god, I remember that. You're the reason why my dad got rid of the pool and replaced it with the trampoline, which you broke in seventh grade."

"Don't remind me of my younger years, I was reckless. I didn't even get honor roll, it was very shameful."

"All your hard work is paying off, though, how is online schooling going for you, by the way?"

"Well, it's better than public school ever was for me. I'm learning the same material you guys are, but at my own pace and own time. I can sleep in until two in the afternoon if I wanted to as long as I worked on school for at least five hours."

"Lucky," Sara chimed while laying on top of me.

Madilyn scoffed lightly, "People should start arriving for the party in about an hour, do you guys want to come with me to get chips and drinks and shit, or do you want to stay here and try to make my cat like the two of you?"

"Gizmo will like me," I exclaimed, staring at her cat pointedly while he hissed at me, "but for now... I think I'll go with you to prevent any injuries that she-devil might cause."

They chuckled at me when I returned Gizmo's hiss in my direction, then I shoved my friend off my body and ran out to the car before the cat could pounce on me. Once they joined me in my car, Madilyn in the passenger seat and Sara in the back, I started it and blasted the heat while Sara hooked her phone up to the speakers, which wasn't a bright idea on my part because her music taste isn't the best, seeing as mainstream rap is the only music she listens to.

That Broken Girl ⇒ Kian LawleyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ