Liberation is the Hope of a Slave (Chapter 15)

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A/N: No notes.

-Start of Story-

-Troy's POV-

Taina: Look at me.

My body reluctantly turns slowly and looks down at her, waiting for the next commands.

Taina: Kneel.

I try to restrain myself from following her orders but it's no use, I drop to my knees and bend my head. However, I muster up the strength to raise my head and look at her, with a burning fire in my eyes.

Troy: I hate you, you betrayed my genuine feelings towards you, As far as I'm concerned...I hope you suffer a worse fate than the rest of them.

She leans back, grabs my hair, and pulls my face to her face.

Taina: There is no fate worse than victory.

She let's go of my hair and I fall to the ground at her feet, I couldn't move my body anymore, I was too weak...I should have never fallen for her, by falling for her, I fell into a bottomless pit that everybody knows as regret...The pit never ends; I hold my head in irritation, feeling a painful pulse go through my head. Horus comes in and looks at Taina, smiling in a very smug manner.

Horus: How's your knight?

Taina: Reluctant, I'll give him another dose to fix that. How is Jade's knight?

Horus: Very quiet, his body is following orders very smoothly, but his eyes contain a wild hatred to them unlike any I've ever seen. His own hatred can make my own soldiers back down from him. Now, as for Hades, break him until he never opens his mouth. We're almost finished interrogating the third one, and we'll put him under Osiris with the dose. Remember, we're attacking Rainbow today. 

Taina puts her foot on my back and looks down at me, then back at Horus.

Taina: I see, why now?

Horus: They were spies, and the plausibility they sent word to their own HQ that we were attacking them tomorrow is high. So, let's attack them while they're preparing. When somebody is visiting your house, you prepare for them the day before. If they visit on your day of preparation, would you be expecting that?

Taina shakes her head and nods in understanding.

Horus: Glad you understand. Now, let's get to work.

Horus walks out of the room, but four White Mask enter the room as he leaves. They all look at Taina, not laying an eye on me.

White Mask: We need Hades right now, Horus wants him placed in his position early.

Taina squints at the four of them, already suspicious of their motives. She slowly reaches for her gun, the White Mask take notice of this and pull out theirs.

White Mask 1#: Move a single inch and we're going to light you up faster than a 7 person family setting up a Christmas Tree, Santa is giving out some presents early.

The second White Mask pulls me up, and the third White Mask knocks her out and carries her over his shoulders.

White Mask 1#: To Vigil.

Wait, how do they know Haze is Vigil? Could they be Rainbow?

White Mask 1#: Spark, nice job.

The third White Mask nods, piecing together his response, this was Spark.

Spark: Thanks, Asylum.

Asylum (White Mask 1#): Heh, no problem. Rewind, give him the antidote.

Rewind nods and sticks a needle in my shoulder, I can feel myself regain control, I look over at them all and nod. The fourth White Mask, presumably Dynamo, tosses me one of my Five-Sevens. I nod at him and load it up, feeling like a new man, but more depressed.

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