Training(Part 3)(Gadget Reveals: Wraith and Spark!)

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(A/N: I'm amazed that we're slowly climbing to 50 views, thank you guys so much for actually viewing my garbage, Exaltz out XD)

Start of Story

-2100 hours-

My long rest is suddenly and rudely interrupted by a summoning of operators happening over the base speakers.

PA Speaker (Harry): May Spark and Wraith report in my office?

I get up, put my armor on, and wake Mac up.

Wraith: Oi! Mac, get ready mate, we have to report in Harry's office.

Spark: Alright, let me get my armor first, then we'll head out for his office.

I reply with a simple nod and walk over to the living room of our dorm and sit down, staring blankly at the deactivated TV screen. My mind is suddenly building something, it's the same memory I had last time. This is my only way to kill the time, dive back into my past. That day was a war with the enemy, but it was also a war with myself and my motives.


We all rush from the worn-down building relieved that Rewind had reinforcements, and also relieved that Spark didn't blow us up.

Wraith: Thank you Rewind, for actually packing your reinforcements!

I shoot a glare at Spark, and he simply shrugs and continues to reload his shotgun. I peak out of cover to get a glimpse of what we're up against.

Wraith: Two snipers, ten riflemen, one demolitionist, and one scout. Alright, You three hold your ground, I'll get to the top floor with my Barett and see if I can take out the snipers. 

They all nod giving me more stress than I'm already carrying. All of their trust is on my shoulders, and all of my trust is on theirs. If I can't hit these snipers, we're sitting ducks, if they can't hold this building down, we're all dead. I like those odds, gets the blood pumping and the adrenaline of the situation is all I need to succeed. I always worked better under pressure, doesn't give me time to think, just do. I give them a two-finger salute and start running up the stairs with urgency and haste. I reach the top floor and I pull out my bipod to go prone. laying on my stomach, I set my sights on one sniper, and start holding my breath.

Wraith: Hope you're ready to take a bullet for your country, or whoever you're serving.

My ears start ringing as I can feel the bullet fly out of the gun. The sniper's body immediately drops with part of his head gone. I prepare for another shot, and aim at the next sniper who's already caught a glimpse of my location and is already taking aim to end me. I quickly turn over to him and take a gamble of accuracy and shoot. It hits the side of his arm, forcing him to drop his sniper due to the pain erupting in his arm. I pick up my sniper and hand it to Asylum.

Wraith: Stay here and use the sniper, I'm getting in close with them.

Asylum nods and runs up the stairs with the sniper. I simply look forward while I pull out my Silenced Vector and flip the safety off. I run towards the snipers' temporary nest and shred any enemies in my way with the rate of fire and mobility of my Vector. I speed up and put my Vector away and pull out my two FN Five-Sevens.

Wraith: Jeez, talk about cardio.

I reach the snipers' nest and find the wounded enemy on the ground. I fire a bullet in his knee and he screams in pain. I pick him up by his shirt and put the gun-barrel to his head and start speaking in a low but deep voice.

Wraith: I don't have all day, so just give me some info or I can rip out your brain for the engineers at home-base, I'm sure they'll find the info for me.

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