Another Day, Another Mission (Chapter 13)

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A/N: Let's see if I can get two chapters released in one day, just to get ahead in the game.

-Start of Story-

-1300 hours-

-Troy's POV-

Taina and I were in the gym spotting each other on the bench press, but the speakers roared to life, catching every operators' attention.

Speaker: Can operators Caveira, Mira, Vigil, Mute, and Wraith please report to the office, in 20 minutes?

I look over at Taina and she simply nods at me, I lift the bar off my chest and set it up, then start lightly jogging to the locker room with Taina close behind me. Our lockers are right next to each other, we both open them and take out our gear. As soon as I finish putting on my helmet, Taina comes to me with a jar of face-paint in her hand and her skull paint on.

Taina: Are you ready to go?

I simply nod and put the Barett on my back, Taina simply shakes her head as she looks at me.

Taina: You always go quiet on missions.

Troy: Minimum speech during missions, clears up the radio of unnecessary chatter.

Taina: I didn't think that was possible for you.

I glance at her and then glance back at my gun rack, grabbing my Five-sevens and putting them in the holster.

Taina: Jeez, you're boring before and on missions.

I simply ignore her and grab my Kriss Vector, a couple of grenades, and my Poltergeist. She grabbed her knife, Luison, and impact grenades. I walk out of the locker room and towards Harry's office, closely followed by Taina. I open the door and hold it open for her, and she quickly walks into the office. The rest of our team is already there.

Harry: I'm glad that you made it on time! We've been given word that there's a VIP who's currently hidden in a biker clubhouse. You are going to keep him from the waves of White Mask that are coming for him.

Mira: One question.

Harry: Yes?

Mira: Why did you pick Wraith to be on this mission? He's an attacker.

Harry: He's also an accurate sniper, there are four points of property entry that lead to the club-house, we've got news from a mole that the Masks will be coming from one out of the four of these entry-ways, he will thin their numbers before they reach the building. Any other questions?

There is nothing but total silence filling the room.

Harry: Good, Vigil is leading and your ride is ready, may God bless you all during your mission.

We all nod and run towards the landing pad where the helicopter is waiting for us. We jump into the helicopter and straps ourselves in.

Jager: Welcome to Delta Air-lines this is Captain Marius speaking, all personnel, prepare for flight.

Mute: Just shut up and fly us, mate.

Jager: Alright, jeez...

I sink in my seat and close my eyes, resting my body for the turmoil ahead.

-Timeskip, 1 hour and 30 minutes.-

Jager: We're here! I'll land and allow you guys to leave, When the mission is finished I will be back to pick you up.

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