Completely nude, the two of them stood there in quiet contemplation, each appraising the other. ‘It’s been too long,” she said softly.

“Yes,” he simply agreed. He stroked her cheek with the ball of his thumb, let his fingers tangle in her hair before tracing the shell of her ear with one finger that he then let skate lightly over the back of her neck. It wasn’t cool in the bathroom anymore, but her skin prickled with goosflesh again and her nipples were so hard they ached. With a knowing smirk, he flicked one lightly, delighting in the expression she made when he did. He pulled back the shower curtain and ushered her into the warm, wet steam.

Underneath the flow of the water they kissed like two hormone-saturated teenagers, their hands slipping clumsily across each other’s naked anatomies with all the urgency of starving men at a sumptuous feast. He nestled into the soft spot between her neck and her shoulder, nipping there playfully while she moaned low in the back of her throat. One hand cupped her breast, fingers lazily massaging the nipple, while the other stroked skillfully at the damp apex of her thighs. She was sighing and trembling against him, eyes closed, nearly on the verge when he stopped and pulled back from her.

She blinked once before slapping him, maybe a bit hard. “Is that how you do then? Get a lady all worked up, for naught?”

He raised his eyebrows and smiled back at her suggestively. If his cheek stung at all, he didn’t let on. “I find that delaying the finish makes the finale that much more grand, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Oooo I hate you sometimes!” she exclaimed.

“I know!” he replied, gathering her back into his arms and fluttering her collarbones with a dozen burning kisses. He grabbed her beneath the bum and hitched her up against him. She wrapped her legs around his waist for purchase, surprised at his strength. He carried her out of the shower, pausing only to shut off the water before throwing her down unceremoniously on the bed. He stood over her for a moment, observing her nude form wolfishly. His eyes were sparkling in a way she’d never seen before. Fire and ice, it was all there inside him.

And then it was all there inside of her.

He was not a gentle lover, but she wouldn’t have accepted tenderness from him then anyway. She was filled with the fire of Gallifrey’s twin burning suns, her head filled with the sound of his twin hearts beating in rapid succession as he thrust inside of her. She could feel his mind, first brushing against her own and then enfolding it in light and warmth. They climaxed together and she could feel and see stars bursting in her mind. He collapsed against her, panting, before rolling to the side. He reached across the bed for her hand, lacing his fingers through her own. For a while they laid there together, staring at the ceiling and listening to the rain fall.

“The children will be home soon,” she remarked quietly a few minutes later.

“It doesn’t matter, I can’t stay for much longer. The TARDIS can only sustain the signal for short periods of time,” he replied. She couldn’t tell if it was relief or regret in his voice when he said this.

“Why did you come in the first place? Why, after all this time? I waited, you know. I kept thinking for sure you would come back, at least to say a proper goodbye. Instead, you left me like a book on a shelf. Why, Doctor? Why now?” she said, biting her lip to stop the tears that threatened to come.

“I wanted to come. Really, for the longest time, thought about all the ways it might be possible. I had so many questions for you. I couldn’t very well come back here with Donna, that wouldn’t have been right. And then I lost her. I’ve been on my own, running. From what or toward what, I don’t know. But you do, don’t you River? You know what’s in my future because it’s in your past.”

“You know I can’t tell you. Sp...”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. Spoilers. Fine. If that’s the way it has to be, that’s the way it has to be. But I had to come back. How could I not? You’re my...” he said, his voice swallowed by a boom of thunder. He cupped her chin in his hand and stared at her for a long moment. He didn’t speak. He didn’t have to. He leaned forward and kissed her then, gently. That was enough to push her over the edge. A few stray tears slipped their way down her cheek, and she buried her face in his shoulder before he could see them. River Song didn’t cry.

A few minutes later he got up and retrieved his clothes from the bathroom. She watched him dress from the bed. He was fussy and methodical, especially when it came to his tie. The last thing he did was the laces of his shoes before coming to stand over her. She looked back up at him, and mustered a smile.

He told her he loved her. In Gallifreyan. She whispered the words back to him. He squeezed her hand for just a moment before turning his back and heading towards the bedroom door.

“Doctor?” she called out to him. He turned to face her. “Will I see you again?”

He just smiled and ducked out the door. She listened to his footsteps grow quiet as he walked down the hall, disappearing before they reached the stairs. He was gone.

She woke up later when the front door slammed shut. The children were home. Vaguely, she wondered if she had dreamed the whole encounter. She must have, she decided. She had wanted it so badly. She slipped her bathrobe on and went downstairs to greet the children.

“Hello, my loves!” she called as she came down the stairs.

“Mummy!” the three of them shrieked, rushing at her as though it had been weeks and not mere hours since she’d seen them last. But then if anyone could understand that feeling, it was her. She hugged the youngest, the boy, against her. In the mirror behind her she caught a glimpse of her bare, exposed neck. The bite mark there certainly looked real enough.

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