Chapter 46

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Kelia P.O.V.

"Knock, knock."

I looked up from the stack of papers I was grading, and slightly smiled once I seen Terrance standing in the doorway of our classroom.

"Oh, come in."

He stepped inside, holding onto his briefcase. "Sorry for interrupting you, I just wanted to drop off the tests I graded from periods 1-3."

He reached down into his briefcase, pulling out a stack a papers, sitting it down on the edge of our desk.

"Thanks, have the grades been entered?" He nodded. "Yes, I finished entering them last night," I sighed, knowing I had been so behind in my work, with all the drama that was going on with Marcus, and me trying to find apartment to move into.

", Im hoping to finish entering grades for the other periods tonight......and if not tonight, then hopefully tomorrow night,"

He chuckled. "Okay, just remember that this Friday is the last day for grades to be entered, the kids get their report cards in a week and a half."

"Shit," I said lowly.

"Yeah.....okay....I should have things done before then, thank you for the reminder."

I rested my head on hand, and placed my other hand on my belly, taking a few deep breaths.

"You okay?" Terrance asked. "Yeah Im fine.....she's just been kicking me a lot lately, trying to fight her way out," He chuckled.

"How many more months until you're due?"

"Three," I said in a sigh. "It's been a long road, but Im almost there," He nodded. "I know you and you're boyfriend must be really excited to meet your baby girl."

I paused for a second, shaking my head. "...We're not together anymore......but we're both still really excited,"

He frowned. "Oh.....Im sorry."

"It's fine," I said fanning him off. "Im getting used to the idea that we aren't together anymore, and it is what it is."

He nodded slightly. "Well I'm still sorry about it.......I can just imagine the stress you must be going through, which isn't good for you or your baby girl."

My eyes began to sing, causing me to feel a little annoyed at how hard it was now to control My emotions.

"Thanks," I said, keeping my eyes low so he couldn't see them. , "Like I said, it is what it is, me and my girl will be alright........My ex isn't a deadbeat, he'll still be in her life,'s cool."

I quickly looked up at him and  smiled a bit, just trying to reassure him that everything was fine, even though it wasn't.

"Well that's good.....if you ne-"

I slightly jumped, at the sound of my phone vibrating on the side of my desk.

"Oh I'm sorry, um I have to take this," He held up his hand , before stepping away from our desk.

I turned halfway around in my chair, before placing the phone to My ear.

ME: "Hello?"

RACHEL: "Good afternoon Ms. Mackenzie, this is Rachel calling from Piper Villa apartments, is this a good time for you?"

I shifted my phone to My other ear, nodding.

ME: "Yes, thank you for getting back to me, I'm assuming this is regarding my application status, correct?"

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