Chapter 45

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A.J P.O.V.

I knocked twice on Marissa's door, waiting for her to answer. I was hoping that she was awake, since room serviced has just delivered the breakfast I scheduled for us.

"Come in."  I could hear her shuffiling  through her covers, causing me to smile. I slowly pushed open her door, not being able to contain myself from the sight of how beautiful she always looked waking up in the morning.

"Good morning,"

"Morning," She said lowly.

"...How'd you sleep?'

She nodded, looking around the room. "Pretty good, these pillows are so comfortable,"

I chuckled. "Forreal, I was thinking the same thing when I  laid down in my bed last night,"

She cracked a small smile, as silence filled the space between us.

"...Um.....are you hungry?" I asked, speaking up.

"Yeah......actually I am." I nodded. "Good, because breakfast is served."

I pushed open her door all the way, before rolling in the long breakfast cart that  was delivered to our room not too long ago.

She slowly sat up straight, fixing the messy bun that was sitting right on top of her head.

"You made all this??" She asked confused.

I chuckled. "If made means ordered then sure,"

We both chuckled. "You know I  don't cook ma,"

She chuckled again. "I mean, that's what I thought, but I don't know, that could've changed, I haven't been around you in a few months, who knew, maybe you woulda picked up that habit of cooking  now,"

I shook my head, as I sat down one of the platters infront of her, pulling off the top. "Nah, I mean, every now and then I'll make something small for myself, but you know I'm all about that postmates life,"

She laughed, taking the fork and spoon out of my hands. "Yeah, Typical AJ."

I smiled, picking up my platter of food. "......Do you mind if I sit in here with you?"

She shook her head, pushing her sheets to the side, making room for me. "'s fine."

I sat down on the edge of her bed, pulling the top off of my food.

"....So." I started. "How long have you been up?"

She bit into her piece of bacon, pushing the few strands of hair out of her face. "Um, maybe for like 30 minutes now.....when I woke up I called your mom so I could facetime with Sky for a little bit.........this is my first time being away from her for this long since she's been just feels strange."

I nodded. "Yeah.....I get it, I was hard for me to adjust being without her too," I cleared my throat a little, not wanting to make things awkward between us.

"How was she??" I asked, changing the subject.

"Good, your mom said she sleep through the night with no complaints, and she was up with her, changing her diaper, about to feed her her breakfast, you know that girl loves to eat as soon as she wakes up."

I chuckled, taking a bite out of my biscuit. "She's a little greedy baby," I started. "Remember she used to cry and scream to the top of her lungs when we were done feeding her? She used to finish the whole jar of her baby food, and that mashed up fruit thing you used to make for her, and she still wanted more."

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