Chapter 81

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Aliyah P.O.V.

"Ooooh look at you, looking like a real boss at her office, this place is dope,"

I smiled a little, was Marissa and Sky stepped inside my new office suite. "You like it? Im just renting it out temporarily just to have a quiet place to work during the day when mama and daddy are home,"

She nodded, sitting down in the seat across from my desk. "I like it, it's not too big, or too small, just enough space for you to do what you need to do, it's perfect,"

"Thanks, I really just use it to make phone calls, and do research on my laptop. You're the first person to actually come here besides me,"

She chuckled. "Well I'm honored, but no seriously, I'm so proud of you, what you're trying to do is great, and everybody knows its coming from a genuine place,"

I smiled widely, but it quickly faded.

"What's wrong?" I shook my head. "Nothing.....its just.....I don't know, I've been really happy with everything that I've been doing, these last few months I've been so busy with business meetings and research, trying to get this apartment complex idea off the ground, and although Im proud of how far I've gotten with it, I still feel like....I don't know, like something is missing, like I can't fully enjoy it,"

She frowned. "Well what do you think is missing?"

I bit down on my bottom lip, shaking my head. "I don't know......well.....I know this is gonna sound a little crazy and random, but for the past few weeks, Marcus has been on my mind a lot,"

Both of her brows raised. "That's a name I haven't heard in awhile......I thought you said you were moving on from all that last time you, me and Amara talked about it,"

"I was, I mean, I am," I sighed a little. "It's been about five months since that incident that happened at my parents house, and I've been doing really good trying to move on from him and everything that took place back in Atlanta,"

"I've been so busy with this business venture that thats all I've really been focused on, but for whatever reason a few weeks ago he crossed my mind and I can't stop thinking about him and what happened, and it's just really been putting a damper on my work and my success,"

She nodded slowly. "So...what are you saying? Are we going down the Marcus road again?"

"No," I said in a sigh. "But I know this feeling well enough to know that it's not gonna go away by me ignoring it, or sweeping it under the rug.....thats what I did after high school, and we all see how that went,"

She was silent.

"If I learned anything from therapy, I really need to start facing my issues head on, and I feel like I need to make peace with this situation finally, If Im going to successfully move on from him and our relationship,"

"Wow," She said lowly. "So what does that mean? You're gonna reach out to him? I thought you tried that already and he never picked up or called you back,"

"Yeah, but everything was still fresh at the time, now that some time has passed, Im hoping that he's in a better headspace to have a conversation with me."

"Okay, so this is a closure conversation? And not a get back together conversation then?"

"I dont know," I started. "I know atleast for me, there's some feelings there still, but I dont want to make that the reason behind the talk, we really need to clear the air, I think that's the most important thing right now,"

"Okay, so what? You're gonna call him again? What if he doesn't pick up? You dont wanna keep calling like a crazy person,"

"I know........thats why I was thinking about flying to LA,"

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