Chapter 63

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Aliyah P.O.V.

"Alright baby, the discharge papers have been signed, and I just brought the car around for you, you ready?"

I nodded as I slowly stood up out of the chair I was sitting in, grabbing the bag of my belongings that the hospital gave me.

"Can I change first? Did you or daddy have a chance to go by the house to get some clothes for me?"

She nodded. "Daddy and AJ went this morning to pack majority of your things, were taking as much as we can on the plane, but I'll have everything shipped back home once we get there, but they did bring you this,"

She reached into her purse, pulling out a pair of jeans and a top.

"Change and I'll meet you outside so we can go down together."

"Okay......thank you mama,"

She softly smiled at me, as her phone began to ring in her pocket.

She pulled it out, staring down at her screen. "Oh, it's my lawyer, I'll meet you outside."

I watched her place the phone to her ear, before walking out of the room, leaving me alone.

Once she was gone, I took a deep breath, feeling tired.

It has been about a week since I arrived here at the hospital, and I was glad that my doctor was finally releasing me.

The past week had been tough for me, besides the fact that I had to stay in one place for a whole week, the pain my body went through was something that I had underestimated, most likely due to the pain meds they had me on when I woke up originally.

I reached over to my pillow, picking up my phone mama had picked up from Chrissy for me.

I unlocked my phone, automatically looking for my Twitter and Instagram apps, but for whatever reason I couldn't find them.

I swiped through all four screens, looking for them, but it seemed as if they'd been deleted.

"Nice try,"

I looked up from my phone to see Marissa and Amara stepping inside my room.

"I deleted all your social media apps off your phone before your mom gave it back to you this morning," Marissa started.

"We told you that you just need to focus on healing.....physically and mentally, and you reading stories and comments online isn't going to be beneficial for you," Amara added.

"So we took it upon ourselves to delete all your apps, and we found a way to temporarily block you from signing in, thanks to one of Amara's old hacker friends," Marissa added.

"We just knew that you wouldn't listen to us about staying off the internet, and obviously we were right, so we did what we had to do," Amara finished.

I sighed, shoving my phone into my back pocket. "I don't know whether to be mad or thankful that I have such amazing best friends,"

Marissa smirked. "I'd say thankful, what do you think Amara?"

She nodded her head in agreement. "I'd say thankful too,"

I slightly chuckled. ".....Thank you...... I love y'all,"

"And we love you too,"

They both stepped closer to me, as we pulled one another into a group hug.

"Text me when you guys land, I have to be at work in like 2 hours, so I'm going to head back to my apartment and take a nap,"

Marissa and I nodded, as we held onto each other's hands.

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