Chapter 2

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Aliyah P.O.V.

"Damn Li, that rock is huge." I took a deep breath, taking in the beauty of my five karat engagement ring.

"I know, he did good." I moved it back and forth so it could shine in the light. "What did Ms.Simone say? No, what did your dad say?? I bet he almost shit himself."

I sighed, shaking my head. "I haven't told them yet Rissa, and I plan on keeping it that way right now."

She frowned. "Why? They love Ronnie."

"My mama loves Ronnie, Daddy and AJ still give him a hard time after three years, you know that." She smacked her lips together.

"Don't worry about your big head brother, I can get him in check, but I think your dad likes Ronnie, he's just gunna give anybody you date a hard time, he's been doing that since you firsrt started dating."

I chuckled, knowing she was right. "I know, but Ron and I are planning to go back home and get everybody together, so I'll announce it then."

She nodded. "Okay, just give me a week's notice so I can have AJ together by then." I laughed.

"What are you planning to do?" She fanned me off. "Don't worry, just know that you might have to babysit Sky while Im working my magic."

I scrunched up my nose, feeling like what she said had a double meaning. "Okay, I don't want my niece exposed to whatever you got going on."

A year ago, Marissa and AJ sat both of our families down, and told us she was pregnant. I was shocked at first, seeing as how she just had a pregnancy scare back when AJ had turned 18. Mama and daddy were both pissed and disappointed, and so were Marissa's parents, but they all came around for Skylar's sake.

"Whatever, just make you sure you clear your schedule to keep her."

"I will."

"So tell me, how did he do it??" She leaned back in her seat, waiting for me to explain.

"Well." I started. "Yesterday was our anniversary, so I knew we were already going out to dinner, but when we pulled up to the restuarant, I only noticed a few cars in the parking lot."

"Uh huh, and then what?"

"When we stepped inside, the whole restuarant was empty, except for the waiters and chef's obviously."

She smiled. "Oh my god, he rented out the restuarant??" I nodded. "Yeah, I guess he knew the owner, so he let him rent it out for the night."

"That's so sweet.....I wish AJ did things like that, he doesn't have one romantic bone in his body anymore." I chuckled.

"Anyways, everything was going good, we were eating and enjoying each other, and then all of a sudden, he started giving me this long speech about how much he loved and appreciatiated me, and before I knew it, he was out of his seat and on one knee infront of me."

She placed her hand on her chest as if she was in awe. "Aw Li, I can't, that's so cute."

I nodded. "I know, he's a good guy."

"He is." She said, nodding her head in agreement.

"So when's the wedding?? I think a summer wedding would be beautiful." I laughed, shaking my head.

"Slow your roll, I just got engaged last night, and I haven't even told my family yet, Im just tryna keep this away from the media before I even think about what kind of wedding Im having."

"True, well I can't wait until you tell the family, so we can start going out and looking at dresses and venues, cake testing and all that other fun stuff."

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