Authors Note

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Because I'm getting so many questions about where I've been and why I don't consistently update, I wanted to address this since we're quarantined and I have the time.

I don't think most of my readers are aware that I began writing this series as a teenager. I had a bunch of time to write and update because I just graduated high school and took a year off before I went to college.

I went to a technical college for a little over a year, and by that time I was writing Against All Odds and updating consistently, while studying, taking exams, etc. I remember falling asleep multiple times while typing because I wanted to get these chapters out to you all.

So for the first four books I wrote on Wattpad, I had soooo much time due to not being in school for awhile and then when I was, I was still making sure I stayed consistent for my readers and also because I really liked it as well, and how you all are so into the storyline.

So obviously after I finished school I began working and that's when I stated to slack with the updates because real life hit me LOL. And in the midst of that I've had ALOT of writers block and would just be sitting here staring at a blank screen because none of my storylines were coming to me as quick and natural like they did with the first four books, so I decided on stepping away for awhile (which I know a lot of you hated from the messages I was receiving on here and on my ig)

The writers block lasted so long and it caused me to loose passion for typing this series which I'm slowly getting back into because I'm just as invested in my characters and storylines as you guys are, it's just been harder for me to get out what I want to happen.

I have other interests that are overshadowing writing now, this was always a hobby and I surprised myself looking back on every I wrote (I actually re-read Against All Odds a few months back and I shocked tf outta myself, not believing that I wrote that and felt SO PROUD lol)

I have so many hobbies and interests that because I'm not as passionate about this one anymore and I'm still having a bunch of writers block, the updates will probably never be as consistent as they used to be. Also, I'm 25 years old now, I live on my own (well with my bf) I'm the clinical manager at my job, i work full time, I have a lot more responsibilities than I did at 18/19 when I began the series.

I just wanted to take some time out to explain this because I get so many messages about when I'm updating and why are they never on a consistent schedule to the point yall made me delete the Wattpad app 😭😭😭😭😭

But I do want to finish interception because I don't want to leave y'all hanging since I know some of y'all have been reading since I first posted he loves me, he loves me not and have been on this journey with me, but as of right now it's really hard.

IF I do end up not finishing the book, I already know how it's ending, so I'll update with a synopsis of everything that was supposed to happen just to finish the story for y'all, but again, that's IF I don't finish, my goal is to finish the entire book.

I'm also thinking about transitioning to YouTube and creating a channel, but who knows. I just wanted to give a update for y'all, and kinda explain in depth why I don't and will not be updating consistently, life has changed from 18 to 25 and I hope y'all understand that.


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