Chapter 57

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Amara P.O.V.

"Thank you for being able to come out with me on such short notice, I appreciate it."

"No problem," I said, getting comfortable at the booth Armon and I were sitting at.

"So what else did you want to talk about?"

"I actually wanted to give you some information on a few of the programs we offer at my facility."

He reached down into his bag, pulling out a folder. "I brought you a couple brochures and some paperwork just on our philosophy and our vision overall, I highlighted the programs that I thought you'd be interested in,"

I took the folder from him, skimming through a few of the pages.

".....You have a program specifically for teen girls?"

He nodded. "Yes, teens and young adults, the ages usually range from 14-19."

I raised both of my brows, slightly impressed as I opened up the brochure for the girls' program.

" offer all of this?" I asked, looking up at him. "You have a pregnancy center for teen moms and 10 step programs for alcohol and drug abuse, that's amazing."

He nodded. "I agree, when creating the program for the young women, we thought It was best to put the only group of people who would be best at understanding what teenage girls and young adults need, and that's women,"

"The whole program was created and brought to life by a group of five fantastic women that I work with,
Two were counselors, that have moved since we started the program up 3 and 1/2 years ago, hince the need of some new faces,"

"I see." I started. "Where's the facility exactly?"

"About 15 minutes away from where we are right now...... I could also give you a personal tour if you're interested."

I nodded. "Yeah I would love that,"

"Alright, how about next week? I'll send you the address and we can meet there.... and maybe do lunch again answer any questions you may have."

I slightly smiled. "Yeah that's fine with me."

"Good," He smiled, looking down at his watch. "I have to get back to the office in a few, but I'm really glad I got to see you today,"

"You as well, and thank you for bringing me all of this, I'll make sure I'll read through all of it tonight, I think I'll head out now too."

He nodded. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you too long, I hope your boyfriend didn't mind us meeting today."

I slightly smiled, picking up on the game he was trying to put out there.

"I don't have a boyfriend," I said, knowing that's what he wanted to hear.

"Oh, okay," he said lowly. "Good to know," he looked up at me smiling as he gathered his things."

"I'll text you the address......I'll see you next week." He smiled at me softly before grabbing my free hand, kissing it.

A.J P.O.V.

MARISSA:  "So how many days will you be down here for?"

I shifted my phone to my right hand, using my left to pull open the door to my building.

ME: "A few days, maybe like five full days or something like that."

MARISSA: "And you'll be staying with your parents right?"

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