Chapter 65

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Delilah P.O.V.

MARIO: "So are you sliding by the crib tonight? Or you want me to swing by your place?"

I slightly rolled my eyes as I shifted the phone to my right ear.

ME: "Actually neither," I started. "I'm not feeling too good, so I just wanna chill by myself." I lied.

MARIO: "You got a cold or something? I can drop off some soup for you later,"

ME: "Nah, that's okay, I appreciate though, I can take care of myself,"

MARIO: " know you can hit me up if you need something though, I got you."

My doorbell went off, automatically making me sit up in bed.

ME: "Appreciate it, but look, I think I'm gonna just lay down and take a nap, I'll hit you up later,"

MARIO: "Alright, feel better sexy,"

I rolled my eyes again, before forcing a smile on my face, hoping it would help me sound more believable.

ME: "Thank to you later,"

Before he could say anything else, I quickly hung up the phone, automatically dropping the smile that was on my face.

I had been so over Mario's annoying ass, and it seemed as if he wasn't getting any of my hints that I didn't wanna be bothered with his lame ass.

I tossed my phone to the side, before standing up out of my bed, making my way out to the front door.

I didn't even bother looking through the peephole since I already knew who it was.

I pulled the door open, placing my hand on my hip. "You're late,"

"Sorry," Ronnie mumbled. "I had a meeting with my lawyer and my manager this morning and it ran over,"

I motioned for him to step inside, closing the door behind him.

"Well why do you look all sad? You got cut from the team or something??"

"No," he said in a sigh. "I haven't heard absolutely nothing from the Panthers, so I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing......I just think they're thinking about what they're gonna do with me to be honest."

"Most likely, but I have a plan, just in case you do get cut,"

He frowned. "And what's that?"

"We'll cross that bridge if we get there," I said, waiving him off. "But that's not what we're here for......what are you wearing??" I asked, looking him up and down.

"I told you I had meetings, so I had to look professional, and besides that, I wanted to talk to you about this deal,"

I rolled my eyes, folding my arms across my chest. "What about it?"

"You paid my bond.......and I appreciate it, you really came through for me in a time where everybody else basically disappeared on me, and for that, I do owe you completely.......but I don't think a whole kid is the way to about we just set up a payment arrangement? That way you'll just be financially set since that's your major concern."

I chuckled. "And who do I look like? Isabella?? We agreed that if I got you out, you would give me a baby, period, point blank. I held up my end of the deal, now it's time for you to hold up yours,"

He sighed. "I'm saying I can hold up the deal in a different way though, honestly, I don't think it's a good idea for us to have a kid together, we're cool in all, so why can't we just sign a agreement on payment, and leave it at that?"

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